He turned to face her and smiled. "I remember your magic. You chased away the darkness, so I could wake up." He covered her hand with his own. "Thank you for the help. I do not think I could have freed myself without your assistance." He looked around the room until his eyes landed on Micah. "She is yours I assume?"

Micah walked over to stand next to his mate. "Actually, I am hers," he said, before kissing her temple.

Prince Magnus chuckled. "I always knew you were smart Micah." He turned to her. "Please call me Magnus, especially considering we will be neighbors."

She smiled. "I'd like to introduce my two best friends." She looked to the edges of the room and motioned for them to come forward. Laelia dropped a small curtsy and Radclyffe bowed.

"These are Laelia and Radclyffe, two of the best healers in Storm Keep," she said, smiling encouragingly at her friends.

Magnus greeted them warmly then turned to her with a questioning look. "How did you get here?"

Sebastian cleared his throat. "Might I suggest moving to the dining room before launching into many more explanations," he eyed Magnus. "Your food will get cold."

Magnus rubbed his hands together. "I feel like I could eat everything you set before me." He snaked an arm around Beth and one around Vivi before kissing each of them on the cheek. "I am still very feeble and need assistance getting to the dining room," he said pouting at both women.

They laughed and leaned their heads on his shoulders. Beth patted him on the chest. "Of course, uncle, we'll help you."

Etain and Gavriel followed, looking decidedly grumpy without their mates. Serenity hung back as everyone made their way to the table. Marjoram stopped in front of her on her way to join the others. "They never really grow up," she looked at Micah. "Some less than others."

"Oh Marjoram, my ripest little berry. I know you will be desolate without me," Micah teased.

Serenity was shocked to see the older woman blush. In earlier interactions she had been put together and in charge.

Marjoram swatted at Micah. "You better take care of this young lady Micah Sageson, don't make me call your grandmother," she threatened.

Micah paled. "You know my gran?"

Marjoram gave him a sly smile. "I looked her up after meeting you. She told me to tell you that you are in big trouble for taking her wine."

Micah gulped. "It was only a few bottles," he mumbled.

Marjoram raised an elegant brow. "A few bottles? She said you emptied her entire cellar."

Serenity turned to him. "You have an entire cellar's worth?" she asked eagerly.

"Maybe," he said eyeing Marjoram.

The older woman held up two fingers. "Two bottles and I'll smooth things over with your gran by offering her my snickerdoodle recipe and gush over you meeting your mate."

Micah looked relieved. "Deal!" he agreed immediately.

She met Serenity's eyes and winked before disappearing behind the closed dining room door. Micah turned to her grinning. "She is amazing. Maybe my gran won't kill me now."

"What's this about wine?" Laelia asked.

Serenity gave Micah puppy dog eyes. He sighed. "Of course, they can have a bottle."

Serenity looped her arm through Laelia's and headed toward the dining room. "Let me tell you about the best wine in the entire world."


Once everyone was seated Micah was amazed to see they had actually filled the long, royal dining table. He watched as Hal, Ryuu, Pavil and Sebastian served everyone effortlessly. Of course, with this many seated for dinner you would almost need four squires. He'd attended balls with fewer people.

He sat back as everyone seemed to talk at once. Slowly Magnus was brought up to speed. Kari, bless her, once seated had presented Magnus with his iPad and went over the itemized list of changes.

Serenity leaned in. "They're so happy."

He pulled her close remembering the awful evening Magnus fell ill. "We needed this. Everyone has had so much thrown at them, we truly needed this joy. Having Magnus back with us changes everything." He kissed her nose. "You're my miracle."