She looked up. "You were the blue light."

His lips trembled, and his eyes were filled with tears, but he did not let them fall. He simply nodded, unable to speak.

Aiden buried his face in her chest holding her belly protectively. "He killed you," he whispered in a guttural voice. When he turned to stare at DeLaFontaine's prone body his eyes were the solid black of his bear.

Meryn eyed DeLaFontaine and turned to Gavriel. "Take him back to the detention cells and seal it in a salt circle. Then come back up here for a family meeting."

Gavriel's eyes immediately flashed crimson. He hissed at DeLaFontaine before shaking his head. "It cannot be."

"You're the one who told me the stories, trust me, salt his ass then get back up here."

Gavriel moved quicker than she had even seen him move before. He had DeLaFontaine jerked up by his collar and out of the room in under two seconds.

Aiden snarled as his prey was taken from him. She kissed him on the lips. "I'm here and I'm not going anywhere I promise. I need you to pull your shit together for a bit. Later tonight you can examine every inch of me, but right now we have plans to make."

Aiden looked up at Ryuu. "She stays in your arms until I get back."

Ryuu nodded. "It shall be as you say." He tightened his arms around her.

Aiden stood on shaky legs and stumbled forward heading toward their bedroom. Colton and Adriel

were at his side in seconds, propping him up on either side. "Come on Aiden, we will help," Adriel said, helping walk the drained commander to the bedroom to dress.

When she went to shift her weight Ryuu stilled her efforts. "Ryuu my back hurts. Can't you hold me in my recliner?"

"My apologies denka, I find that I am experiencing something very disturbing. It's a feeling I've never had before, and it is distracting me from my duties."

"Fear, Ryuu. What you are feeling is pure unadulterated fear," Kendrick said quietly from behind them.

Ryuu practically snarled. "I do not fear that creature!"

Kendrick placed a hand on the squire's back. "I never said you did." He looked down at Meryn. "I believe your fear stems from almost losing her."

"Oh, Ryuu," Meryn said softly. She reached up with both hands to cup his face. "I wasn't afraid you know. Because I knew you were there. You gave me the strength to face him." She wiggled until he let her get on her knees. Meryn didn't know if it was socially appropriate, but she always felt better when Aiden did it. Feeling unsure she leaned forward and kissed Ryuu on the forehead. "As long as we're together, everything will be okay," she promised.

Ryuu's mouth opened in pure shock. He looked back at Kendrick, as if unsure of his new emotions.

Kendrick laughed. "You cared for her, protected her, guided her. She is your charge, so you thought you could treat her like the others, but you were wrong. Unlike the others who only saw you as a tool to be used, she considers you family. She got past every barrier you ever created. What you are feeling is love, pure and simple. A love that goes past labels like squire and charge. She just stole a piece of your soul Ryuu," Kendrick clapped him on the back. "And it's about damn time."

Meryn dropped her hands and eyed Ryuu. "I love you, but do not want to have sex with you," she said plainly.

Her blunt, outrageous statement shook him from whatever stupor his emotions left him in. He took a deep breath. "And I love you too Meryn and do not wish to have sex with you either."

"You will still feed me, right?" she asked.

He gave her a flat look. "Of course I'll feed you. You'd probably try to sustain yourself on Hot Pockets again if I didn't."

Meryn exhaled in relief. "Thank god," she said then looked down at her wrist. "Hey! My tattoo changed! My dragon got wings!" She held up her wrist to Ryuu who was frowning. "That's not possible."

"He has wings!" she crowed getting to her feet. She held up her wrist hopping around.

"I thought I told you to keep her in your arms," Aiden growled as he walked back into the room. He scooped her up and nuzzled her neck. "Aiden! Look! My dragon has wings now!"

Aiden stared down at her wrist then over to Ryuu. "What did you do while I was getting dressed?"

"I kissed him on the forehead like you do to me all the time because it always makes me feel better. Then I told him I loved him, but I did stipulate I did not want to have sex with him," Meryn said rotating her wrist around checking out the new addition to her tattoo.

Declan nodded. "She was very clear about that part Aiden."