DeLaFontaine's body slumped forward and his head hung down, his hair blocking his face. "Do you really want to know?" he asked sounding different.

"Yes," she replied.

"So be it," was the last thing she heard before light exploded behind her eyes.



Shit, they are going to be so pissed at me.

Finally, she gave in to the pain.


When she opened her eyes, she looked round. She was standing in a bright white room. "Well fuck," she muttered.

A low masculine chuckle had her turning. "Holy shit!" she exclaimed. The man before her could not be real, he was simply too beautiful. If she weren't mated, she'd lust after this one.

"Thank you," he replied, in a deep voice. Silently he began to walk round her.

"Wait, can you read my mind?" she asked.

"In a way."

"Watch it, it can get a bit crazy in there," she warned.

He smiled and continued to circle her.

"I take it you're the head guy, the one in charge?"

"Something like that."

"Why are you doing all this?"

"Should you be asking so many questions? It cannot be good for your health," he warned.

"I've been asking questions my whole life buddy, it's what I do."

"The witches warned me about you. You have no idea how long I have been looking for you."

"They warned you about me?" Around them a flash of blue light illuminated the frosted glass walls. She ignored it. "Why would you be looking for me?"

"I wonder how they kept you hidden?" he mused.

"Back to my other question. Why are you doing all this? Is it for the necklaces?"

"The necklaces are just a means to an end."

"What end?"

"Your world of course."

"Dude, seriously? You want to take over the world? Have you seen how fucked up it is lately? Trust me, it's a headache you don't want."

He stopped his circling to stand in front of her. "Imagine being locked away in a small, wooden box. There are no windows, no doors. It is dry, dusty, hot and confining. Would you not risk everything to feel a bit of fresh air on your face or taste sweet, cold, water?"

"I suppose," Meryn admitted.