"Your turn."

Five moves later he somehow ended up behind her. When she got right hand, yellow she knew she was in trouble. Bending over slowly she placed her hand on the yellow circle.

She grazed up against him causing them both to groan. When last she looked his cock had been hard and leaking. She grit her teeth, determined not to be the one to give in.

"Y-y-your turn."

Using his magic, he spun the dial.

"No cheating!" she exclaimed.

"The rules state that I spin the dial, technically my magic is a part of me, so it's not cheating," he countered. His move had him bending over her to place his right hand next to her left.

All along her back his body pressed up against hers. She felt his hard length slide against her. She went to spin and gasped. She turned her head to glare up at him. "You've been using air magic to pick your moves!"

"I was wondering when you'd figure it out." He kissed the back of her neck. She felt his body shudder. "I almost lost you. You left me," he whispered.

She reached behind her and wrapped his arms around her body. "But you wouldn't let me go."

"I'll never let you go," he vowed.

She dropped to her knees and went to all fours. "Reclaim me Micah." When she looked back she saw his eyes had darkened. He stroked his cock from base to tip. "You belong to me," he said as he knelt behind her.

"Yours only. Forever."

She threw her head back in ecstasy as he plunged two fingers deep inside her. "Yes! Micah, please!" she begged.

He lined up the head of his cock and drove forward. There were no soft words or promises of tomorrow. It wasn't needed. She needed him in the most primal way imaginable. He wasn't making love to her, he was branding her. Claiming her as his own from the inside out.

She tilted her hips until he was hitting her g-spot with every thrust. She was so close, the sound of his flesh pounding against hers echoed all around them. She reached down and rubbed her fingers on either side of her clit. "Micah," she breathed.

"Mine!" he roared. She twisted her fingers and came harder than she ever had in her life. Her arms gave out, she would have pitched forward onto the floor, but he caught her and gently lowered her. He pulled from her body and slumped to the floor next to her.

"I love you Serenity."

"I know you do. No other woman has ever been loved the way you love me." She turned to face him and reached out her hand. Their fingers intertwined. She looked him in the eye. "I love you more than the promise of heaven."

His eyes filled. "Heaven still awaits us. But by the time we head there in truth, we will have accomplished all we set out to do in life. Our great-great-great-grandchildren will see us off and we'll go hand in hand. Together."

"Together," she repeated. "Forever."



Meryn sat quietly at the dining room table as conversations buzzed all around her. Everyone seemed to be talking at once. The children were virus free and the sleeping vampires were getting better by the hour. But something was off. Vivi checked in on Micah and Serenity and reported that they were both awake and doing just fine. Though it wasn't said out loud, everyone seemed to understand why they weren't at dinner. Meryn smirked, she'd be lucky to see those two before she left the city.

She leaned back in her chair as something continued to eat away at her. She just couldn't remember what it was or why it was important. Stupid baby brain.

"Denka, are you well?" Ryuu asked reaching for her wrist.

Around her the table quieted.

"Ryuu, is the child well?" Magnus asked.

Meryn stared at Rheia. What on earth had she said? Something about coming so far. Meryn gasped as she remembered why it bothered her.

They had come so far. Exactly down the path laid out for them, but by who?