Reality ripped the fog away. "Serenity," he gasped.

Meryn rushed over and sat on the bed. "Hush! If you freak out again, Kendrick will zap you for your own good. You can't help her if you're unconscious." She placed both of her hands on his chest. "She's still alive Micah, we just have to figure out how to get her back."

He shook his head. "You don't understand. She tied the kids to the core of her magic. Every second that passes they drain more of her life away."

Meryn's eyes hardened. "As long as she's breathing, there is hope."

"What have I missed?" he asked, sitting up.

Meryn hopped off the bed and returned to her chair. "Everyone is losing their shit. Kendrick is pacing back and forth snarling at people. Vivi, Ellie and Rheia have locked themselves in the lab, Etain, Colton and Grant are threatening to break the door down and Laelia and Radclyffe refuse to leave the hospital. They have been doing everything they can to help the kids to lessen Serenity's burden."

"Why are you in here with me?" he asked.

She shrugged. "Where else would I be? I'm not medically trained, and everyone is using the antechamber as base camp. It's quieter in here with you."

A throat cleared. "And she was worried about you," Ryuu added.

"Way to put me out there Ryuu," Meryn said blushing.

"Meryn, you're the one who keeps figuring things out." He stood and took her hand. "Come on my delicate flower, my one and only needs your genius."

He led Meryn to the antechamber, Ryuu behind them. When he walked in everyone quieted. The looks of remorse and sorrow on the faces of his unit brothers was almost his undoing.

"Okay people. How do we get her back?" he asked, steering Meryn into her recliner.

Declan pulled him into a hug. "We've been talking things out, trying to think of other ways we can help the kids."

Micah clapped Declan on the shoulder. "The only thing that will save my mate is a cure for the children. Once they are solidly anchored by their own life forces she will be able to break free of the spell."

"That's what I've been telling them," Kendrick said sourly.

Anne just looked up at her mate. "Actually, you been snapping at everyone and throwing your arms in the air."

Kendrick looked down at Anne. "I've known her since she was a child. It's like losing Keelan all over again," he whispered.

Anne jumped to her feet and wrapped her arms around his waist. "We haven't lost Keelan and we're not going to lose Serenity either," she said rubbing his back.

"Okay, someone break this down for me," Meryn said, crossing her legs.

Adriel looked at Meryn, though his eyes were kind, his expression was exasperated. "I do not think we have time to explain the science or the magic."

Meryn leaned over and dangled off the side of the recliner. She unclipped her walkie-talkie. "ViThreePO, come in."

"Meryn? Is everything okay?" Vivi's voice came back.

"The men think they know everything and won't explain things to me. Can you guys come to the antechamber?"

"We just started a test, once we have it running, we'll be right there," Vivi promised.

Magnus turned to Meryn with a pained expression. "Is it necessary to pull them from the lab?"

Meryn simply crossed her arms over her chest and ignored him. Magnus winced. "Meryn you know I trust you but..."

"But I'm not a scientist? Guess what? I'm not a military leader either and I make a kick ass commander," Meryn stuck her tongue out at him.

Magnus sighed. "Yes, dear."

A few minutes later the door opened and the ladies, followed by their relieved looking mates walked in. Vivi immediately went to Meryn and sat down on the sofa closest to her. "What do you need to know?"