g the RĂ©gis family head for a second time in a half an hour would look bad."

"Some of us would not mind," Hugo said under his breath.

Ryuu held out his hand and Meryn handed him her screwdriver. It glowed blue for a moment and he handed back to her. "I have upped the charge for you."

Meryn eyed Jourdain's prone figure. Beth chuckled. "No, Meryn."

"What did that bastard do to my Beth?" Gavriel roared. Sending people scurrying for the exit.

Micah was poking Jourdain with his foot. "Not a thing this time Gavriel. Meryn protected her."

"She what?" Aiden demanded. Both he and Gavriel turned to their mates and started looking them over.

Beth batted at Gavriel's hands laughing. "I am perfectly fine. He never even got near me. Meryn and Keelan protected me."

Serenity's breath caught. "Keelan?" she asked.

Beth pointed down at the device in Meryn's hand. "He made that for her."

"Why can't I kill him?" Aiden growled.

"Because I am running out of Founding Family members to promote," Magnus growled back.

Behind them Hugo, Javier, and Simon were propping themselves up while laughing themselves silly. Leana and Marie glared down at Jourdain. "It is about time someone put him in his place. He has been terrorizing poor Bethy for decades," Marie said.

Kari covered her face with both hands. "I cannot. I just cannot." Adriel was rubbing her shoulders and trying not to laugh.

Serenity pulled Micah away from Jourdain when he kept lightly kicking him to see if he would respond. "You are without a doubt the biggest goofball I have ever met."

He spun her around and dipped her low. "You knew that."

Serenity turned her head. Kari was still having a bit of a meltdown, Aiden and Magnus were arguing that Jervasius had three sons, Gavriel was still looking Beth over and the other Founding Family heads were cackling like hyenas.

She looked back up at her mate as he held her in his arms. "So why does it kinda scare me that you're the normal one?"

He kissed her nose. "At least we're never boring."


Micah looked down at his sleeping mate and quietly rapped on the arm of the platform bed. He hoped the swaying motion would keep her asleep until dinner. She had used a lot of magic today and needed time to recharge.

He eased the door shut behind him and looked over to where Hawthorne had made himself at home in his living room. His feet were propped up on the coffee table and he was on his iPad.

"Thanks again for watching after her."

Hawthorne grinned. "It's the easiest assignment I've had all week. Does she know where you'll be?"

"Yes, I told her I'd be on Level One in a meeting with Kendrick. I don't imagine her waking any time soon though."

"I felt what she did at the hospital, she deserves a break."

"She did even more during that Founding Family meeting." Micah glanced back at the door leading to the garden. "Maybe I should stay here."

"You said that you needed to talk to Kendrick while the kids were knocked out before it got crazy again," Hawthorne reminded him.

"Shit. You're right."

"Go, on. I can manage here while you're gone."