Gavriel continued to stare for a moment more before he gracefully jumped from the stage. When he reached Meryn, he knelt down on one knee, and took her hand in his. "As always you seem to see the clearest. In all my long years I thought I truly understood what it meant to lead, but you humble me with your concern for my people, all my people, not just those who have a voice."

"Made sense to me," she whispered.

Gavriel rose and turned to those around him. "I feel I must share that it was also Meryn who suggested that Warrick reclaim his mother's name, establishing Fortier as a Founding Family as it should have been so long ago. She did so because it, 'made sense'." He paused dramatically. Serenity felt everyone's heart rates pick up. She looked around and saw awe and excitement on their faces. Gavriel placed his hand over his heart. "Maybe this suggestion of hers is also correcting a long term wrong we did not know even existed."

Hugo rubbed his chin. "What she says does make a lot of sense. Even with constant interaction it is nearly impossible to connect with all our citizens." His face became stony. "If what Prince Gavriel says is true, then we have failed to catch major transgressions. I am all for giving the citizens themselves a ruling seat in the form of a citizen led council."

Once the words were spoken everyone quickly agreed to Meryn's idea. Gavriel hopped back up on the stage to get everyone's attention. "We have seen and heard of terrible things, but, I think we also saw what hope looks like." He pointed to Warrick and Meryn. "Change is not always a bad thing. I, for one, am excited about our future," he said magnanimously. "That being said, please continue to support our efforts in healing the children. Thank you for coming, good day."

Once dismissed the crowd stood and began speaking to one another. There was a certain light in everyone's eyes as they threw out ideas on how to help organize this new Citizen Council.

Serenity was about to stand when she heard Meryn laughing. She looked around and saw that Kari was glaring at the small human.

Meryn stood and stretched. "She's gonna kill me." Serenity rose to her feet and looked down. "Did you plan that?"

Meryn shook her head. "Not really. I was talking with Mr. Culpepper as I ate my meat kebobs and it kinda hit me that I was getting to attend these meetings and I don't even live here, but the people who work really hard to keep this place running don't get to come."

"You're kinda amazing, you know that right?"

Meryn shrugged. "I just see things differently."

"It's still amazing."

Meryn was about to respond when her eyes narrowed. "Oh, hell nah."

On Serenity's other side Micah's entire body tensed. When Meryn made a beeline for the stage, both Serenity and Micah were right behind her. While they had been talking, Prince Magnus and Beth had come into the meeting room and were speaking to people in front of the stage.

As Hugo walked away from Beth another man was approaching. As he was about to reach Beth, Meryn wedged her tiny body between them.

He looked down. "Excuse you," he sneered.

Meryn didn't back down. "No."

"What?" he demanded.

"Just because you say it, doesn't mean I have to do it."

The offensive man stepped right into Meryn's chest.

"Jourdain, I suggest you walk away," Micah growled.

"Meryn, let's go," Beth said softly, looking pale. Serenity walked over and wrapped an arm around her. Across the room she saw both Aiden and Gavriel distracted by different conversations. She felt a wave of relief when she saw Ryuu closing the distance between them at a rapid rate.

Meryn crossed her arms. "Get out of my personal space."

Jourdain gave her a smirk. "Just because you say it does not mean I have to do it," he repeated back at her.

"Look, standing this close I am going to assume one of two things. Either you want to fight me or fuck me. Either way, my mate will kill you," she said smugly.

Jourdain took a step back in shock from her words. When he snarled and leaned his face close to hers Serenity heard a faint popping sound, then Jourdain's eyes fluttered before they closed, and he hit the floor. Around them everyone stepped away looking down at the new Founding Family head in shock.

"Oh, dear," Beth said looking down.

Magnus reached them about the same time Ryuu did. He looked down at the twitching body. "Is he dead?" the prince asked, a bit of glee in his eyes.

Meryn shook her head and held up what looked like an odd wand. "Nope, but I shocked the shit out of him. It's my sonic screwdriver. I would have kicked him in the balls, but Aiden said I'm not allowed to do that casually anymore."

"Pity," Magnus murmured. "Though replacin