"They're asleep, my one and only," Micah said softly.

As she pulled back the last bit of her power her knees buckled and she was swept up in her mate's arms.

"We're heading to the Culpepper stand," Micah whispered.

Serenity struggled to keep her eyes open. "Laelia, Radclyffe?"

"We're here," said a soft voice at her side. Serenity turned her head and smiled at her friends. Laelia's face looked pale but otherwise she seemed fine. "Thank the gods you came when you did. We just finished up their snacks when they started to get out of control."

"Your power?" Serenity asked.

Laelia shook her head. "Doing better than yours."

Rheia hurried over. "Is she alright?"

Serenity nodded. "Just knackered."

Rheia looked over her shoulder at the room. "How long do we have before they wake?"

Serenity yawned. "Twelve to fifteen hours for sure. If you don't have catheters in, you may want to tell the parents to get them in diapers."

Rheia chewed on her lower lip. "Can you guarantee me they will be out for at least twelve hours?"

Laelia placed a comforting hand on Rheia's shoulder. "If Serenity said twelve it will be twelve, at the very least. I'd be surprised if the kids wake up again before breakfast tomorrow. Right now, they are sleeping better than anyone in the city. Serenity pumped them full of melatonin."

Rheia exhaled. "I'm going to get the parents to diaper the kids then see if we can coax them to get some sleep. The twins widened the alcoves the beds are in to accommodate the visitor chair beds, it's time they were put to use. We'll rotate nursing duties to keep the kids clean and comfortable." She turned to Laelia and Radclyffe. "You two are off duty. You are essentially our only form of medicine. Go home, sleep, relax and recharge. Doctor's orders."

Marjoram walked over to Rheia and pointed to the door. "I'll take care of the parents. I'm sending you girls down to Level One for some rest. We'll all catch up in the antechamber before dinner."

Ellie and Anne walked up with their mates. Anne wrapped an arm around Rheia. "We're heading down now. Kendrick and I will be attending the Level One meeting so you and Ellie can get some rest. If anything crazy happens, I'll tell you all about it."

Serenity looked up at Micah. "We need to go get Meryn."

Kendrick's eyes darted around the room. "She's not here, is she?"

Micah shook his head. "No we sent her Mr. Culpepper's stand the second we saw what was happening."

Kendrick's eyes widened. "Alone?"

Serenity snorted. "Of course not, she has her squire with her."

Kendrick looked relieved. "Let's go collect our midget and head to Level One."

Serenity thought about asking Micah to put her down, but she was really comfortable. She closed her eyes and rested her cheek on his shoulder.

Micah ran his lips back and forth on her forehead before kissing her. "As soon as we get Meryn we'll head back to my place."

Serenity sighed. "As much as I want to go relax in your garden, I think we should go to that meeting then check o

n Vivi. She's pregnant too and the stress has to be getting to her."

Micah's eyes were filled with worry. "You expended a lot of magic getting these kids to sleep. You need your rest."

"I can rest during the meeting. I'm not presenting or anything. I just want to listen." She leaned closer. "I can also tell when heart rates change or if people start sweating. Gavriel and Magnus may need feedback later."

Micah snuggled her close. "Between you and Meryn any guilty parties don't stand a chance."

"What do you mean?"