Aiden spit out his waffles and covered his mouth with his hand. Serenity heard dry heaves and saw that Colton was hanging on by a thread. Laelia popped up out of her seat and placed a hand on his back. Serenity sent soothing magic around the table to settle the more delicate tummies.

Sebastian sighed. "Now that breakfast is over, I will bring in extra coffee, lattes and espressos to fortify everyone for their day."

Ryuu patted Meryn on the head and looked around the room. "Isn't she adorable?"

Colton looked up at Aiden a bit wild eyed. "Thank the gods Keelan wasn't here for that." Aiden nodded.

Meryn squirted ketchup all over her scrambled eggs. Colton and surprisingly Rex bolted from the room. Meryn chuckled and kept eating. Laelia shook her head and sat back down. Radclyffe rubbed her back. "You tried, dearest."

"Adorable," Ryuu repeated.

Kendrick chuckled. "That she is."

"Thank god the twins weren't here," Rheia said leaning back in her chair as Hal started picking up plates.

Serenity watched as Meryn got really interested in her eggs. She wasn't the only one who noticed.

Aiden leaned in. "What are they doing Meryn?"

"Hmmm?" she looked up at him eyes wide.

"Meryn," he growled.

"It wasn't my idea," she started.

"What wasn't your idea?"

She took a deep breath, then hesitated. "Do you really, really want to know? I mean later you won't be lying when you tell the council you had no idea what was going on."

Aiden's eyes bugged out. "What in the gods' names are they doing?"

"Wellllll," Meryn dragged out the word.

When Aiden fumbled at his waist for his walkie-talkie she grabbed it and started talking fast. "The twins and I didn't like how DeLaFontaine hurt Pip so much. And he's our brother now, so we're sort of legally obligated to defend him and make sure that it never happens again."

Pip's eyes filled. "They are doing something for me?"

Meryn turned in her chair to face him. "Yup. Your bio-dad did very bad things that hurt a lot of people, but one of the worst things he did was mistreat you.

"Your parents and guardians are supposed to take care of you and feed you and make you feel safe and teach you how to make your way in the world. But he didn't do any of those things and he hurt you. He will eventually pay for his crimes against the city and her people, we just wanted to make sure that he paid for what he did to you too."

Aiden sat back. "I can't even get mad over that. I'm sure whatever you do will be worth whatever lecture the council comes up with."

Magnus cleared his throat. "Part of the council is sitting right here." Meryn gulped, and he continued. "Considering the severity of his other crimes I cannot see you getting too stern of a lecture." He eyed her closely. "What did you do?"

Meryn beamed. "Diarrhea."

Magnus turned to Ryuu. "Simply adorable."


Serenity and her mate, with Meryn and Pip in tow, caught up to the twins in Meryn's bat cave. Meryn rushed over to them. "Did it work?" she asked, as they crowded around a monitor.

Nigel nodded. "We think so. Though, we forgot the guy who attacked Kari and Jervasius RĂ©gis was still down there, so they may have gotten it too."

Meryn shrugged. "Serves them right."

Serenity leaned over Meryn's shoulder to watch what looked to be closed circuit video. "Is there sound?" she asked as she watched DeLaFontaine throw an epic temper tantrum. The other prisoner was already doubled over on his toilet.