Magnus' eyes narrowed. "Does that mean what I think it means?"

Around the table the men nodded and a chorus of 'yeses' sounded off.

Sebastian shuddered. "Just. No."

Gavriel nodded in sympathy to Magnus' plight. "Do not remind me. It took months to replace all my leather."

Beth lowered her fork. "What leather? I've never seen you in leather before."

Gavriel turned to his mate. "Before our uniforms were designed to mimic the human military, most units wore leather pants, vests and jackets. It is a long-lasting material and can be hardened to act as light armor."

Beth's eyes traveled down his body. "Hmmm."

"Beth!" Gavriel exclaimed, looking shocked.

Caspian hid a smile behind his napkin. "I have days when I wonder how much I influenced Bethy growing up, then we have moments like this and I am like, "oh, there I am'."

"Y'all are leather daddies!" Meryn declared, her eyes wide. She reached down and pulled her phone out of her bag.

Around the table Rex, Law and Grant spit out the juice they had just sipped. Rheia pounded on Colton's back, as he choked, while he tried to stop laughing long enough to breathe.

Aiden looked down at his mate. "Do you know what that means?"

"Yeah, it means that y'all wear leather." She gave him an exasperated look. "My furries talk about leather daddies all the time. And bears." Her face grew thoughtful. "I didn't think that many of them were bear-shifters though."

Aiden snapped his mouth closed and took a deep breath. "Pass the syrup," he said, pointing to the dispenser. Meryn handed it to him and turned back to her waffles while she checked her phone one handedly.

Declan stared at him in awe. "I think he just deleted that from his memory."

Grant nodded like that made sense. "I think that's how he survives."

"Wait until my furries find out y'all are leather daddies," Meryn said her thumb moving a mile a minute.

Without even looking up from his waffles Aiden simply plucked her phone from her hand and threw it up in the air behind them. Ryuu caught it easily and tucked it away in his jacket.

"Rude!" Meryn bellowed. Aiden continued eating his waffles.

"Good job Aiden," Beth said in admiration.

Aiden glanced down the table at her and winked. He shoved another two waffles in his mouth and reached for his coffee.

Grant turned to Declan. "We are in the presence of a master."

Meryn pulled her laptop back out. "Okay, so obviously if I am banned from Facebook then I misunderstood what a leather daddy was."

Aiden eyed her closely. "What are you going to do?"

"Google it," she replied.

"No Facebook," he warned.

"No Facebook," she agreed.

"I'm spending the day with Kari and uncle," Beth said quickly.

"Vivi and I will be in the lab," Rheia added.

Anne turned to Ellie. "We'll be