Micah took her cup and rinsed it out before putting it in the dishwasher. "That's why we take meals together. It's just easier to keep everyone on the same page. Not only is the food amazing but lately it's come to feel like home on Level One."

Micah couldn't wait to tease Radclyffe about his ear. The witch had been giving him the evil eye ever since he announced Serenity was his mate. Maybe he'd slip it into conversation and see what happened.

"Why do you have an evil smirk?" his mate asked.

"Me?" he asked innocently.

She just shook her head. "Let's go, you have me craving waffles."

He walked over and took her hand. "Onward to waffles!" he announced pointing to the front door.

Serenity giggled and pointed. "Onward!"


Her mate was such a goofball, but she loved that about him. He made something as simple as heading to breakfast fun. When they arrived, Micah opened the door to the Rioux quarters. "Honey, we're home," he announced. They walked into the antechamber and closed the door behind them.

"In here darling," Declan replied in a falsetto voice.

Micah swung the dining room door open. "Did you miss me kitten?" he asked the lion shifter.

Declan chuckled. "Someone is in a fine mood," he arched a brow at them. Serenity blushed but Micah just gave his brother two thumbs up before sitting down next to her.

Aiden turned to Adriel. "You know, I think you do have it worse. At least I only have Colton to deal with."

Meryn shook her head. "And Sascha and Keelan when he's better." She waved her fork at her mate. "Didn't you men install a freaking fireball alarm system at the Alpha estate."

Rheia nodded. "They had to confiscate the explosives from Graham."

Adriel's eyes were wide and he swallowed. "I think Declan and Micah are just fine."

"Oh yeah, we're fine," Micah said in a sultry voice.

Declan leaned back in his chair to give Micah a high five.

Adriel pinched the bridge of his nose. "Then again..."

Declan righted himself. "You invited us to live you with, you're stuck with us now," he reminded the unit leader.

Adriel gave them a satisfied smirk. "It also allows me to visit my godschildren more often." He looked over to Etain and gave a short nod.

Etain stood. "I do not mean to interrupt breakfast, but I have something important to announce." He looked down at Vivi who reached up and took his hand. "As you all know, Vivian and I are expecting our first child." Around the table everyone clapped and whistled. "What may not be more widely known is that we almost lost our daughter," his voice broke and he cleared his throat. The table quieted as the men frowned fiercely at the thought of something happening to one of their children. Etain continued. "We would have lost her, except my fae brothers here in the city contributed their light and gave her the strength to pull through. But they might not have made it in time had it not been for Micah."

Serenity turned to her mate who had a flush working up the back of his neck. "You saved her?" she asked softly.

Micah shook his head. "I just got help," he refuted. "The fae warriors did the saving."

Etain walked over to stand by their chairs. "You saved my daughter," he glanced over to Adriel who was grinning before looking down at Micah. "And I would be honored if you became her athair."

Micah's mouth dropped as he looked from Etain to Adriel to Declan and Grant. "That's not what we agreed on," he protested weakly.

Etain gave him a wicked grin. "I spoke with Adriel and he said he is looking forward to being an uncle to one of our children." His eyes softened. "Will you brother? Will you watch over my baby girl?"

Micah swallowed hard and kept blinking. Finally, he nodded and stood. "It would be an honor and a privilege to be athair to your daughter." They clasped forearms in a warrior shake before Etain pulled him into a hug. When they stepped back Micah still looked a bit dazed. Chuckling Etain gently pushed him back into his chair then sat back down.

"What a wonderful way to start the day," Magnus said smiling broadly.

"That was just beautiful," Sebastian said dabbing at his eyes with his towel. Hal sniffed loudly as he pushed the serving cart in from the kitchen. "My baby girl's baby girl now has an athair." He stopped beside Meryn. "Waffle?"