Serenity had been shocked when the queen of the fae reached out to her directly to ask if she was willing to enact the clause and go to Noctem Falls to assist in fighting the unknown sickness. The fae were unable to pass through to the vampire city, but the queen explained that if a portal was opened from within the Water Temple, healers could pass through to provide assistance.

Serenity had been honest with the queen when she said she wasn't sure what she should do, wanting to get her Elders' permission first. As a temple head she reported directly to the Witch Elder Council that ran the city. She had a feeling that had the city's council consisting of the four major races been included in the decision making, she would have b

een allowed to go.

Queen Aleksandra said that the decision was up to her and that she wouldn't advise anyone in Noctem Falls about the possibility of her coming until she had made up her mind.

Serenity knew she wanted to help and thought that going before the council would be a formality. She had been shocked by their unanimous decision to let Noctem Falls fend for themselves.

When she returned to the temple she knew she had to act quickly. She immediately called her brother and had him leave Eiré Danu through a portal to come to Storm Keep. He would be the one to open the portal to Noctem Falls for them. She wanted to keep the queen out of this traitorous venture as much as possible. No one would second guess her older brother Zachari coming to visit her, they were twins after all and visited each other often.

Serenity picked up her bag. "I'm leaving Troy in charge while we're gone."

Radclyffe nodded. "Great choice. He is as devoted to you as temple head as he is to rules and regulations. He can easily handle the council."

"Knock, knock. Seri, where are you?" a deep male voice asked. Moments later her brother was ducking his head to walk into her chambers. When he saw her, his smile widened. "There's my favorite baby sister!" He crossed the room and pulled her into a bear hug that had her spine cracking.

Despite being twins they looked nothing alike. He took after their fae father. Tall, golden and stunning. The two differences between him and full blooded fae males were the streaks of dark brown hair, visible even when pulled back in a ponytail as he usually wore it, and the dark brown eyes he inherited from their mother. Dark eyes amongst the fae were highly unusual.

She took after their witch mother with dark hair and magical gifts. However, unlike her brother she had their father's lavender eyes. Her mother always said that the two of them were the perfect blend of witch and fae.

Zach had some powers but not enough to warrant being tested by the Magical Academy. He cheekily told her that he could do just enough magic to keep his lady friends happy. She told him that she didn't need to know any more.

To make living in Storm Keep easier she took her mother's maiden name of Meadowsweet forgoing fae tradition. No matter what rules she bent or broke growing up she always had her parents full support. She could only hope they wouldn't be too upset at her for going against council dictates.

"Zach! Put me down," she laughed. No matter how long they were ever apart he always greeted her this way. He set her down on her feet, his face turning serious.

"Are you sure about going? I don't want to you falling ill."

"From what the queen told me so far it's only affecting shifters and vampires. Many witch unit warriors have been helping the sick and none of them have been infected. They need our help. It's what we've studied for," she answered.

He rubbed his chin. "I don't like it."

"You don't have to, you just have to open the portal."

"Even though we're twins you can't open a portal and I can," he shook his head. "Genetics are weird."

"I can split a river and you can't," she countered.

He grinned. "You've improved. When we were kids you had problems with mud puddles," he teased.

She gave him a flat look. "I am a temple head now."

"Yes mistress temple head, anything you say mistress temple head," Zach bowed low, his fingertips brushing the floor.

Serenity rolled her eyes. "You're impossible!"

Zach looked up and winked. "But you love me anyway." He straightened then turned to Laelia. "And how is my second favorite lady?"

Laelia blushed. "I am well."

Radclyffe shook his head. He was used to Zach's teasing. "You never greet me like that."

Zach looked surprised for a moment then leered at both of them. "If I didn't know how in love the two of you were I'd seduce you both."

"Zach!" Serenity screeched.

He turned to her frowning. "Have you been studying with a banshee?"