Micah shrugged. "I don't think it matters, they're mostly family now anyway."

She looked down at her mate. "What will you wear?"

Micah gave her a shit-eating grin. "I'm changing into my uniform."

"Ugh! I hate you!"

"No you don't. You love me, you said so yourself," he said smugly.

She paused in her meltdown. "Not too weird?"

He shook his head. "Nope. Neither one of us is fighting this mating, plus the wine knocked down any barriers we may have had up." He nodded. "I think we skipped right to being able to fart in front of each other."

Serenity felt her mouth drop. "I will never, ever fart in front of you."

Micah chuckled. "Yes, you will, and it will be cute."

"I can't do you right now!" she exclaimed, throwing her hands up. "Maybe I can sneak down and grab my bag and change down there?"

"Or you can head to the bathroom to freshen up, I'll call the twins on the walkie-talkie and have them run get your bag, and bring it to you," Micah suggested.

"Why didn't you say that to begin with?" she demanded.

"Because you're sexy when you're sassy," he replied almost immediately.

"Right. Call them." She looked around. "Where's the bathroom?"

"Upstairs, the master is the only room on the left," he replied.

She was about to take her first step toward the house when she turned and hopped onto the bed to lay across him. "Fate knew what she was doing when she gave you to me," she said before leaning down to kiss him.

Before he could wrap his arms around her, she popped up and opened the door. "Hurry up and call the twins," she ordered leaving her mate looking decidedly rattled. She was glad her kiss worked, there was no way she was going to leave him looking so damn smug. Grinning she jogged up the stairs to his bathroom.


Serenity felt a thousand times better about her simple black dress when she saw Meryn in the antechamber in a pair of sweats and a hoodie. Micah leaned down following her line of sight. "I told you."

She jabbed him in the stomach and smiled when he grunted. "What was that?" she asked.

"You look beautiful," he wheezed.

"Thank you. You look very handsome in your uniform," she said smiling up at him brightly.

Before Micah could say anything, Declan reached between them holding up his hand. Grinning she gave him a high five.

"Hey!" Micah protested.

"She has your number brother and I have to say it's fun to watch you flounder," Declan admitted.

Mentally Serenity went over everyone's names in her head. She didn't know how Pip managed to learn them so quickly. As she surveyed the room she saw him standing beside Meryn, looking around like he was lost.

She made her way over to them and placed a hand on his shoulder. Using her magic she calmed him down a bit. He smiled up at her. "Thank you. Meryn said that I do not have to be afraid of anyone, but..." his eyes trailed around the room. She could see what he meant.

Everyone here looked official, important, royal. The unit warriors in their everyday clothes were impressive, in their uniforms they seemed even larger and more intimidating. The women, with the exception of Meryn, wore simple cocktail dresses and looked polished. She leaned down. "Can you help me keep their names straight?" she asked.

Pip's chest puffed out at her request. "Yes. I can do that."

Now that he had a task he seemed to come out of his shell. He gently took her hand and walked her around the room re-introducing her to everyone.