"But you're not an earth witch," Serenity said.

"Nope, but she is, so was my mother. I'm assuming I got the air magic from my sperm donor. But that doesn't mean I didn't inhale everything she taught me. Though, more than once she had to go next door to get Mr. Compton, an air witch, to pull me out of some scrape I found myself in."

"Like what?"

Micah thought for a moment. "Like the time I accidentally locked myself in mid-air after jumping off of her shed. I think I was five or six at the time. I jumped, panicked and froze. My gran came around the corner and I was six feet off the ground with my mouth wide open from where I screamed. I think I almost killed her that time," he said thoughtfully.

Serenity had to hand him her glass as she laughed. Micah stared down at his mate. "You're going to give me a complex if you keep laughing at me."

"S-s-s-t-top!" she begged crossing her legs.

He sniffed loudly. "Anyway. Mr. Compton heard my gran yelling and rushed over. Needless to say, he laughed himself silly, just like you," he said poking her with one finger careful of her glass.

She sat back up and reached for her glass wiping her eyes. "I can't help it, you must have been absolutely adorable as a child."

Micah nodded. "I was."

"And so modest too," she teased.

He turned to her. "Your turn. What were you like growing up?"

She sipped her wine. "A stubborn, headstrong, willful, adventurous, tomboy. A dark-haired child surrounded by the beautiful golden fae."

"So, you were a handful too?"

She nodded. "My father encouraged me. He was delighted at my magical abilities. But I always felt like I didn't belong." She smiled softly. "I can't tell you how many fights my brother got into defending me. Though between you and me, I started most of the fights."

"Tell me about him, so I can thank him later," Micah said.

"Zachari is my older brother by three minutes. We were the first set of twins born in Eiré Danu in over a millennium. The queen herself sent my parents birthing gifts. He's tall and beautiful like my Papa. He's also kind and loyal. No matter what trouble I caused he always took up for me even when I was in the wrong."

"What'd you do?"

"Accidentally cut some of the queen's favorite flowers to give to my mother, not knowing that they were protected."


"Luckily the queen was very forgiving. If I had to be honest, I think she indulged me more than my parents. I think I entertained her."

"I overheard a conversation between her and Etain once, she sounded like a wonderful person."

She nodded. "Oh, she really is. There were so many times where she made it a point to hold my hand during a function or have me sit beside her during tea, just to show others she didn't think I was any less fae because of my hair," she ran a hand over her brown locks.

She looked lost in thought for a moment then giggled. "Her consort Brennus used to sneak me candy when my parents weren't looking." She smiled up at him. "I always shared with Zach though." Her expression became thoughtful before poked him gently. "What were you supposed to go over with me?"

Micah swirled his wine in his glass. "Adriel offered all of the Eta Unit homes within the Ambrosios quarters on Level One. If we decide to stay in Noctem Falls, we have a choice of either staying here or moving in with the rest of my unit on the royal level."

She stared down into her glass. "I think it's a pretty safe assumption that my position as the Water Temple head has already b

een terminated." She looked around. "I think living on Level One comes with too many perks to turn down, but I would hate to give up your garden."

Micah felt sorry that his mate had probably already lost her position but was ecstatic that she already liked his garden. "Adriel completely gutted the Ambrosios quarters. Instead of walking into an antechamber you find yourself on a small road. Along each wall he left space for two smaller homes, then at the end of the road they put two large buildings side by side. One estate is for Gavriel, the other is for Adriel. The four spaces on either side of the cobblestone path are for the Eta Unit."

"Is it because you're the ranking unit?" she asked.

Micah shook his head. "No, it's because Adriel is the biggest closet softie I have ever met, and he would have missed us."

"He seems so proper."