Ryuu nodded tersely. "You have no idea how much his plight aligns with Meryn's childhood. In her heart she already considers him family and thus I consider him one of my charges." He met their eyes and smiled frostily. "I really do not wish to kill anyone while I am here... but I will if I have to." He bowed to them and quickly caught up to Meryn who was explaining Magic Pudding to a mesmerized Pip.

When they cleared the tunnel Warrick let out an explosive breath. "Gods! If I did not think that taking the Founding Family head position would keep Avery safer, I would happily tell Gavriel I decline the prestigious promotion."

"Better you than me," Micah teased.

Warrick gave him a sour look. "Where do I even begin to sort out this clusterfuck of a level?"

Micah thought about it for a moment. "Why don't you do what Kari did? Meet with the Noble Family heads and have them help trickle down information and policy change."

"Have you forgotten that the uncle who disowned me, is one of the Noble Family heads who now report to me?" he asked.

Micah blinked then laughed. "I had forgotten that."

Warrick rubbed his chin. "LeBeau is not that bad. But I have a feeling that my uncle will try to sabotage me at every turn."

Micah shrugged. "So replace him."

Warrick stared at him in shock. "We cannot do that!"

"Why not? It's how you got promoted."

"The circumstances surrounding my promotion were unique, impossible and extreme."

Micah stepped closer and cast a soundproof bubble. "Look. Meryn is right. There's a ton of shady shit going on around here that's been happening right under our noses and we missed it because we had to kowtow to tradition. Well you know what? Fuck that. We finally have a free pass and his name is freaking Dark Prince Gavriel Ambrosios. The entire city of Noctem Falls genuflects when someone mentions his name and for good reason. If your uncle gives you shit, tell Gavriel and get permission to have him replaced. Gavriel can do no wrong. We have a very small window of opportunity to finally help people. Take it." Micah exhaled.

Warrick simply stared at him. "You are right." He straightened then gave him a wolfish grin. "Let us head to Level One, check on Pip, then possibly meet with Gavriel about reorganizing some of the Noble Families."

Micah took down the soundproofing spell. "After you," Micah swept his arm down as he bowed.

"You know if I get to do what I want, I will need back up," Warrick murmured.

"It would be a profound honor and pleasure to assist you in that endeavor. In fact, I bet Declan and his brother Rex would also love to help, considering recent events."

Warrick laughed loudly. "And Declan says we never do anything nice for him."

Micah grinned. "Ungrateful bastard."

Laughing Warrick slung an arm around his shoulder as they walked toward the transport tunnel.

As far as patrols went, today was shaping up to be a great day.


"Are you sure about this?" Radclyffe asked for the tenth time that hour.

Serenity Meadowsweet blew out an exasperated breath. "For the umpteenth time, no, I am not sure, but I'm going anyway."

"You mean we're all going." Radclyffe Juniper pointed his finger back and forth between himself and his mate Laelia.

"You don't have to come, in fact, it might be a better idea for the two of you to stay behind and manage the temple," Serenity suggested, pausing in her packing efforts.

"Don't be silly. You need us," her closest friend rebutted. Laelia Juniper was one of the sweetest women she had ever met. She wanted her friend's support desperately but knew that if they followed her to Noctem Falls, they could all get in serious trouble.

Serenity zipped her bag closed. She hadn't packed much, just a few changes of clothes. They would be providing magical support so there wasn't much to pack as far as supplies went. She turned to face her two best friends. "You realize that by coming with me to Noctem Falls we are going against the Witch Elders' dictate concerning Storm Keep's participation in this crisis?" They both nodded. "And by coming with me all three of us could be prosecuted when we return?" Again, they nodded.

Laelia swung her bag onto her shoulder and her mate did the same. "Not only are we not letting you do this alone, but we also happen to agree with you that it is our duty to provide help." She waved her hand around indicating to the room. "You're the Head of the Water Temple in Storm Keep. We're the hub for healing magic in the paranormal world. If we don't go, then who will?"

Radclyffe adjusted his bag. "Besides, if we weren't meant to help then there wouldn't be a Healer's Clause built into the quarantine protocols for the fae portals."