"How about we relax in the garden?" he suggested gently setting her on her feet pointing to the back of the house. He closed the door behind them.

She glanced down around their feet still looking spooked. "No snakes, right?"

He tipped her head back and rubbed noses with her. "No snakes I promise."

"Good," she said shuddering. "I swear I can still feel that one against my leg." She convulsed again and started walking to the garden.

Micah clutched at his chest as she opened the large oak door leading to his oasis. The snake had been on her? "Elderberry wine, right. Sounds really good right about now." He veered off to the left to the kitchen. He opened the pantry door and rummaged around the bottom shelf until he found his prize. He held up the bottle and blew off the dust. Grinning he stood and went to his cabinets to grab a corkscrew and two glasses.

He found his mate sitting on the large platform bed he had suspended from the ceiling of his large porch. Her knees were tucked under her chin and her feet off the floor. "May I present to you, the best wine in all the world," he said in a grandiose manner, determined to take her mind off that damn snake.

"World?" she asked skeptically.

"Absolutely. I stole... I mean borrowed this from my gran's cellar. She makes the best wine ever." He easily opened the bottle and waved it under her nose allowing the scent to start befuddling her senses.

"It's been magicked!" she exclaimed sitting up letting her feet touch the ground. She reached for one of the empty glasses. "Okay, make a believer out of me," she challenged.

"Don't say I didn't warn you," he said pouring her glass. As she took her first sip he poured his own glass and got comfortable next to her. Using his foot, he kicked off the table and the entire platform began to sway.

She laughed then lifted her feet to scoot even closer to him. "That's why it's suspended."

"Why did you think?" he asked taking a sip.

"That you were a kinky fuck," she said taking another drink.

He choked slightly at her reply. "Serenity!" he said blushing.

"You're blushing!" she crowed.

"You cussed!" he rebutted.

"I do cuss you know."

"You haven't all afternoon."

"I've also been in meetings and healing people too. I don't go around dropping f-bombs willy nilly. I'm used to working in a temple."

"Oh yeah." He took another sip and allowed the warmth to expand down into his stomach. He twirled his finger and a breeze began to circulate around them, bringing the wonderful smells of his garden with it. Jasmine, gardenias and passionflowers were always in bloom here. Feeling lazy he knocked on the wooden arm rest activating the platform and lifted his feet. Their cozy bed continued to sway.

"I love this freaking wine," she said leaning back, her eyes closed.

"It's worth the tongue lashing I get when my gran discovers I've taken a few bottles."

Serenity snorted. "A few?"

"Okay, I cleaned her out during my last visit. Next time I head home she's gonna kill me," he chuckled. "I tell her if she's mad at me, she won't miss me as much."

Serenity propped her head up on her hand turning to face him. "Tell me about your gran."

Micah got comfortable against the pillows. "My gran is my everything. My sperm donor of a father disappeared before I was born, and my mother died in childbirth." He frowned. "There was so much they didn't know about medicine back then. My gran said she probably would have died anyway, even with what we know today. She said she just bled out too fast."

Serenity moved so that she rested her head on his chest. "I'm so sorry to hear about your mom."

"Thank you. I miss what I could have had, but I never really knew her to miss her. Does that make sense?" She nodded. He took a deep breath. "My gran though, she raised me and made sure I knew I was loved every day."


"Well, she didn't kill me for one," Micah said then laughed at her expression when she looked up at him. "When I think back on the pranks and shenanigans I used to pull..." He shook his head. "I thank the gods every night for my gran. She also taught me how to use my magic. She never really trusted the Academy, so I didn't go to school like the other kids my age. I stayed at home with my gran learning in her garden."