"I knew we were meant for each other." Micah leaned down and kissed her soundly. What started out as an impulsive kiss of joy turned heated quickly. When she began to pull him close he stepped back. He placed a trembling hand on the center of the door and unlocked it. "After you," he said breathing heavily.

"Spoilsport!" a male voice yelled from across the street.

Micah turned and glared at Dimitri. "Go away!"

"Go where? We live here too," Dimitri responded.

"Yeah, we never get to see Micah actually kiss a woman. After all the decades of watching him flirt I feel like we should see more," Viktor said grinning.

"Not with my mate you're not," Micah groused.

Serenity was next to him laughing her head off. He turned to her. "You're no help."

Serenity wiggled her fingers at the warriors. "Hi fellas!"

"Hello!" They called back.

Micah racked his brain trying to think of a way to get the warriors to leave them be so they could go inside and hopefully resume what they were doing.

"Micah!" Dimitri yelled pointing.

Seconds later two voices shouted. "Immobiles!"

Micah was looking around for the source of danger when Serenity screeched and practically climbed up his back. Her arm around his neck was threatening to cut off his air supply. "Breathe... Serenity... I need to breathe." She loosened her hold but stayed where she was. She pointed down at their feet. "Snake!" she yelled nearly rupturing his ear drum.

Micah looked down and saw a small, bright green snake. "It's just a garden snake," he said leaning down to pick up the frozen reptile.

"Micah hold up," Dimitri said running up with Viktor. Hawthorne and Emlyn right behind them.

"It looks like a harmless garter to me," Micah said.

Viktor raised an eyebrow. "In Noctem Falls?" He pointed to all the stone.

"Good point," Micah said.

Dimitri gave a low whistle. "This is no garter snake, it is an Eastern Green Mamba and they are deadly."

Behind him his mate kept murmuring the word 'snake' over and over again. He turned to Dimitri. "How'd the hell did it get here?"

Dimitri met his eyes then looked at Serenity. "It is probably someone's exotic pet gotten loose. I will ask around to see where this little guy goes."

Translation. I will find out what happened and maim whoever is responsible.

Micah mouthed the words, 'thank you' before turning his head toward his mate. "See my one and only, Dimitri is going to take that little guy home."

Carefully she eased down but stayed behind him her face buried between his shoulder blades. If he wasn't still trying to regulate his own heartbeat he would have found her reaction adorable.

Hawthorne looked over at Serenity. "I'd recommend some of the elderberry wine you smuggled out of your gran's house for your mate Micah."

Serenity peeked around his shoulder, still avoiding looking at Dimitri who held the frozen snake. "Elderberry wine?" she asked looking calmer already.

"Great idea Hawthorne! Come one honey, let's head inside." Micah looked at his warrior brothers. "You have my thanks."

Viktor clapped him on the shoulder. "All in a day's work."

They waved until the guys w

ere out of sight then they headed toward the door. When they got within a foot of the doorway Serenity froze. He easily scooped her up into his arms, unlocked the door again and pushed it open. He eyed the basket and decided to leave it by the door.