Serenity frowned. "We're eating on Level One?" she asked, feeling a moment of panic.

They nodded their heads. "We weren't expecting to hobnob with royalty and Founding Family members, but Ellie has assured us we're welcome. Honestly we'd be perfectly content to eat homemade lasagna with the twins and their friends on the Unit Level."

Serenity looked at Micah. "Who're the royalty and Founding Family members who will be at dinner?"

Everyone just stared at her. Laelia finally took pity on her confused state. "Weren't you paying attention to the introductions earlier?"

Serenity nodded, then shook her head. "I heard names, but I was too busy wondering what Kendrick was doing here and staring at Beth." She looked around. "I think I would have remembered if someone introduced royalty though."

Marjoram smiled. "I think I see the problem. She knows everyone's names but not their rank. I can see where she would be confused, everyone is so casual on Level One that you kinda forget they are important. It's almost like they're real people," she said in a playful mocking tone.

"Gram!" Ellie admonished blushing.

"Wait, so who's important?" Serenity asked.

Micah rubbed the back of his neck. "It would be easier to list those not holding rank."

"Surely not Meryn," Serenity said jokingly.

Micah nodded. "Mate to the Unit Commander and future Lady McKenzie of House McKenzie. She was adopted by Beth as a sister tying her to House Rioux and House Ambrosios. Her cousin is mated to Darian Vi'Alina who was raised by Queen Aleksandra of the fae and she's the newest owner of the Gown of Eiré Danu," Micah listed.

"That amazing little oddball?" Serenity whispered. Everyone nodded.

Laelia turned to Micah. "Maybe you should take Serenity somewhere to unwind as well. You could also go over the guest list so she doesn't have a panic attack at dinner."

Serenity was frowning down at the floor. "I mean I knew about Prince Magnus and Prince Gavriel, they exude power, but Meryn just exudes geek references and Cheeto powder."

Micah physically turned her to face the door. "We'll see you all later." He gave her a gentle push towards the exit.

"She's just so..." Serenity continued looking over at her mate.

He grinned wickedly. "Yeah, she is."


Micah decided the best place to take her was his home on the Unit Level. When they stopped in front of his home he suddenly felt inadequate. If you compared his medium sized English style cottage to Declan's castle or Etain's fae treehouse, his home looked dowdy.

"I love it," his mate whispered staring up at the house.

"You do?"

"I've always loved homey places," she admitted an infectious smile on her face.

"Welcome to my most humble abode," he said with great flourish.

They stepped onto the stone path and his mate gasped. Oh, yeah. He'd forgotten about the housewarming spell he put in the stones. Seconds later his mate was on her knees her hands spread out over the odd shaped grey stones. "What spell is this?" she asked

"Ever the scholar." He knelt beside her. "There are three spells woven into the stones. Welcoming, laughter and safety. To me that makes a place to call home."

She gently ran her hand over the small pink and purple flowers growing between the stones. "Is that Mother of Thyme?"

He nodded quietly. "I dug some up from my grandmother's garden in Storm Keep and brought it with me." She slowly crushed the plant to release the aromatic fragrance. She smiled up at him. "I could spend the entire day on your walkway and be perfectly happy."

He helped her to stand. "Then you'd miss what's on the inside."

As they walked up to the door he saw that Ms.Anderson left his basket of wash by the door. "Gods bless that woman." He smiled sheepishly at his mate. "I can perform just about any major spell I attempt but for some damn reason every time I wash my clothes they either turn pink, blue or grey."

Serenity instead of laughing nodded in sympathy. "Do you think she'd be willing to take on my wash too? I'd be more than happy to pay her for the trouble. I hate doing laundry," she admitted.