Adriel smiled. "As you should." He turned to Serenity. "Are you checking on the children?"

"Yes, and my dedicates. They have a tendency to go overboard with their magic if I don't keep them in line."

Eva turned to look back at the hospital. "Those two have worked miracles today. I haven't seen the children feeling so good since that first infusion of warrior blood."

Serenity couldn't help feeling proud. She knew how hard both Laelia and Radclyffe studied so that they would be able to help others. "They are two of the most selfless people I know."

"We will not keep you from them any longer." Adriel said looping his arm around his mate. "Do not forget to speak with Serenity about my offer."

Micah nodded. "See you at dinner." Adriel and Eva waved then dropped out of sight.

Serenity turned to Micah. "Should I be worried?"

He gave her a boyish grin. "Nope, it's actually a really cool offer. One I don't think we'll turn down. But we can discuss it later when we're alone."


When they entered the hospital Serenity found Laelia and Radclyffe each visiting different children. The girl Laelia was with was showing her a stuffed animal that looked like a weird chicken and Radclyffe was reading a story to an enthralled audience. Serenity shook her head at his antics. He was completely going overboard using his magic to do sound effects, but she supposed the result was worth it. He was entertaining everyone around him.

She decided to let them continue their visits as she walked to the center of the floor. She sent her magic out to everyone in the r

oom. She didn't limit herself to just the patients, she also reached out to the parents, the warriors, the helpers, to Ellie and Anne and especially to her two best friends.

She reduced anxiety, upped endorphins and serotonin levels, eased pain, and generally sent out waves of happiness and love. When she opened her eyes, everyone was staring at her, soft smiles on their faces. "There, I think I earned an extra helping of dessert tonight," she said, winking at the children. They laughed, and their parents laughed with them. She concentrated most of her efforts on the exhausted figures watching over their children. When she walked in the mothers and fathers looked worn down, scared, and hopeless. She knew that children, especially, picked up on ambient moods. She hoped by giving the caretakers a pick-me-up it would in turn help the children relax for the evening.

Laelia walked over and kissed her cheek. "We're still learning from you. Thanks for noticing what we missed."

Serenity kissed her friend's cheek in return. "I was only able to help because you and Radclyffe did such an amazing job with the children. I had to find something to do," she teased.

Radclyffe waved to the kids he had been reading to and jogged over. "Marjoram said we could stay with her on this level instead of on Level One. We'll be closer to the children and it will be easier to do rounds."

Marjoram, Ellie and Anne joined their group. "I'll be grateful for the company. Ellie, Grant and Benji moved in with his unit on Level One."

Serenity looked at Micah. "Is it normal for warriors to live on the royal level?" she asked.

He shook his head. "That was the decision I was going to talk to you about later."

Serenity looked from Laelia to Radclyffe. "What about your things?"

Marjoram smiled. "I already used that handy walkie-talkie the warriors carry. Sebastian sent their things up earlier."

Marjoram leaned down and kissed Serenity on the cheek. "I heard what you were able to do. Thank you. Looks like both you and Meryn will be getting extra cookies."

Micah leaned forward. "Cookies?"

Marjoram pointed to Serenity. "See if your mate is willing to share."

Micah turned to her with such a pitiful expression she couldn't help but laugh. "Of course I'll share my cookies with you. You introduced me to your favorite treats on Level Six."

"Yes!" Micah exclaimed enthusiastically.

Ellie giggled. "Grant is the same way when it comes to Marjoram's cookies."

Serenity found that hard to believe. She couldn't imagine the stoic warrior acting like her lighthearted mate one bit. "They must truly be amazing," she said.

Ellie sighed happily. "They are."

Radclyffe turned to his mate. "You ready to go? We have some time to wind down before dinner on the royal level."