Gavriel blinked. "As a matter of fact I have." He tilted his head. "How could you possibly know that?"

Serenity smiled as the final pieces of the puzzle fell into place. "I think I know what's wrong with him."

"You do?" multiple voices asked incredulously.

"It's an educated guess mind you, but..." Serenity walked over to the bed. "Meryn, could you pop up for a minute?" she asked reaching down to help the pregnant human stand. Meryn waddled over to her squire.

Immediately Magnus began to thrash about and hiss up at her. She ignored him and placed a hand on his forehead. She slowly sent her magic into his body. As she worked he became less agitated. She took her time making sure everything that could be returned to normal levels was. Once his chemistry was balanced she withdrew her magic and stepped back. Micah placed a hand on the small of her back and she could feel his magic seeping into her. He replenished what she expended, alleviating some of the fatigue. She looked up at him gratefully and he kissed her nose again. The man seemed obsessed with her nose.

When she looked around the room everyone was staring at Magnus who was sleeping peacefully a faint smile on his lips.

Beth turned to her, hope a living thing in her eyes. "What did you do? Is he okay?"

"I'm sure Vivi would have caught it eventually, but you all have been stretched so thin with the virus."

"Caught what?" Vivi asked.

"His testosterone levels were out of control," she pointed to Gavriel. "I think it's because he was reacting to Gavriel's blood which was still amped up from transition. Something in the virus reacted to those transition markers triggering aggression."

Sebastian gasped. "He was not feral, he was going through a transition?"

Serenity nodded. "Gavriel's blood triggered one. His body was caught in a loop. His transition was stuck due to the 'fight or flight' mode his body was in from the aggression triggers from the virus. Once I toned down the testosterone levels his transition ended."

"What about the virus?

" Beth asked anxiously.

Serenity grinned. "Completely burned off."

Beth burst into tears at the news causing her mate to cuddle her closer. Sebastian was dabbing at his eyes with his tea towel as he walked over to Serenity. Without warning he pulled her into a warm hug. "Thank you!" he whispered, emotion making his voice harsh. He stepped back then hurried over to comfort Beth.

Serenity shrugged. "I feel like I'm getting all the credit when I just helped with the final steps. Vivi is the real hero."

Sebastian shook his head. "You brought him back to us, thank you," he repeated.

Meryn looked down at Magnus nervously. "Do y'all remember stuff from when you're raging from transition?"

Gavriel eyed her closely. "Why?"

Meryn was instantly a figure of innocence. "No reason."

Serenity looked over at the prince. "I'd leave him strapped down just in case, but he should wake up completely himself." She looked over to Sebastian. "He will need a lot of fresh blood, his body is nearly depleted."

Sebastian nodded. "Of course. It was just so hard trying to get him to feed when he was being..."

"Hissy," Meryn volunteered.

Sebastian winked at her. "Yes, hissy." He headed toward the door. "I'll get a feast ready for tonight's dinner in your honor and to celebrate Magnus returning to us! Hal! Oh Hal! I need help in the kitchen!" Sebastian called down the hallway.

Gavriel eased Beth into the chair by Magnus' bed. She was wiping her eyes. "Stupid pregnancy hormones," she complained.

Serenity looked down at Beth's belly. "Your daughter is sleeping at the moment, so you can't blame her."

Gavriel looked up at her then down to stare at Beth's nearly flat stomach. When he looked back up he had tears streaming down his cheeks. "We have a daughter?"

Serenity nodded. "I checked earlier when going over her curse. She is doing just fine, perfectly healthy."

Gavriel wrapped his arms around his mate and buried his face in her shoulder. Beth held him close. When she looked up at them she was smiling broadly. "Thank you for this day."