He waved a finger back and forth in front of her. "I don't kiss and tell, but needless to say he banished me from Storm Keep for a while."

She frowned. "I may be banished as well."

"Well, you're in good company."

She swirled one of her fries around her plate. "What would I do here Micah? After this virus is cured they won't have a need for a healer."

"Maybe they will. We don't know how long the wolves and kiddos will be here. Plus you could teach healing classes to unit witches, we could always use more healing knowledge amongst the units."

"Kendrick could do that," she started then shook her head. "Never mind."

Micah shuddered. "I respect that man more than any other witch I have met, but I would hate to sit a class with him. His suggestion to Aiden to teach us about childbirth was traumatizing." He shuddered remembering that awful video.

"Gods! He didn't!" Serenity exclaimed before dissolving into a fit of giggles.

Micah stared at her flatly. "It's not funny." His words only seemed to incense her more.

"I had nightmares."

She wrapped her arms around her stomach and toppled to one side on the bench. Her laughter was the only indication he had that she was still breathing.

"Then he had Sebastian serve a stuffed turkey for lunch," he continued.

When he heard a thump he looked under the table grinning. His prestigious mate was on the floor with tears streaming down her face. "Stop, I beg you," she managed to get out waving a hand at him.

He got up and walked around the table to help her up. She was laughing so hard she was practically limp. He held her up by her armpits as she calmed down.

When he looked around he noticed they were getting some strange looks. They must look ridiculous with the soundproof spell still going. He shrugged and the men just nodded their sympathy.

Finally, after a few minutes she took a few deep breaths wiping her eyes and cheeks with her napkin.

He leaned down and kissed her nose. The pure joy in her eyes filled his heart. "I am going to love you until the end of time," he promised softly.

Her mouth opened slightly when she inhaled and he took advantage of her distraction. He wanted to finally get a taste of his mate. He cupped the back of her head and took her lips between his own. He suckled on her plump lower lip groaning at the faint taste of cinnamon and sugar. When he pulled back her creamy cheeks were flushed pink, her lips were swollen and she looked throughly claimed.

Despite the growing problem in his pants he was proud of his work. He knew right then and there he would never get enough of her.

"Please don't break my heart, because I think I'm already falling in love with you," she whispered.

"There will never be anything else in this world I will cherish more than your heart, your love and your trust," he vowed.

He swaggered back over to his seat and sat down. Cursing, he jumped back up, took a deep breath and tried to covertly adjust his pants. Because he was no less affected than she was by their kiss he had almost gelded himself with the zipper.

She gave him a satisfied look. "Let those ladies see what I do to you," she said winking and jerking her head to one side pointing to their captive audience.

Wincing he shook one leg and gingerly sat down again. "Rub it for me later?" he asked leering at her.

She threw her head back and laughed. "Only if you kiss me like that again."

"I fully planned on it," he said in low voice.

When she shuddered at his deeper tone he picked up another fry. He'd have to figure out a way to cover his mate in cinnamon and sugar later. She was now his new favorite treat.


When they wrapped up their snack she stood on shaky legs. Her mate had a way of spinning her world around and making her feel like the most desired woman in the world.

As they walked toward the hospital she caught more than one hateful glare. After hearing her mate's explanation she decided to take a leap of faith. What he said made sense and if he was going to lie, she didn't think he'd confess to sleeping with the proctor's wife.