"Leave the poor woman alone Micah," Kendrick groused.

"Never. She's my mate," he announced silencing the table.

Kendrick blinked. "She's what?"

"She's my one and only," Micah said meeting her eyes. There was a peacefulness about him that projected an almost a spiritual contentedness. The way he called her his one and only nearly brought tears to her eyes.

"It's about damn time!" Declan exclaimed pounding Micah on the back. "Congratulations to you both!"

Kendrick's perpetual scowl returned as he looked at her. "Is he right? I know that our mating dreams can be a bit tricky."

She gave a slow nod. "I've been dreaming of him. I just didn't know he'd be here."

"Micah Sageson... isn't he the horrible Lothario here in Noctem Falls?" Radclyffe asked glowering at Micah who blew kisses at him in return.

"Micah flirts all the time, but it's harmless. He's the sweetest guy ever," Meryn said. "He calls me his delicate flower and dewdrop," she added.

Meryn's proclamation had her heart sinking. Maybe her mate's endearment didn't mean anything to him. She felt silly for overreacting. She turned to Rheia and Ellie. "Put us where you need us. If we're going to get in trouble for coming I want to make a difference."

Ellie's eyes lit up in excitement. "What can you guys do to help?"

Laelia and Radclyffe exchanged smiles. Laelia turned to Ellie. "Thanks to Serenity we've gotten so much better at healing. We won't be able to cure anyone, but we can bring down fevers, help with pain, and ease breathing. Our magic helps the body return to a healthy state."

Ellie and Rheia exhaled in relief. Ellie looked to them, tears in her eyes. "Thank goodness! Our medicines are losing their effectiveness by the day. I was terrified of what would happen when they were completely useless. The virus causes a lot of joint pain and I would've hated to see the children suffer."

Radclyffe draped an arm around the back of Laelia's chair. "We know absolutely nothing about science and human medicine, but we do know how to keep the body functioning. Our bodies want to work properly, so it's easy to help things along. It's nowhere near as taxing as trying to eliminate a sickness completely. As long as we have some time to recharge our magic and eat properly we can ensure that none of the children wil

l be in any pain."

"Leave the healthy, filling meals to me," Sebastian promised.

"And leave finding a cure to me," Vivi said. She tapped her lips. "If you looked at a patient can you tell me if anything stands out as abnormal. For example higher white blood cell count or maybe inflammation?"

Laelia nodded slowly. "I would be able to point to a place on their body and tell you that they have an imbalance, but Serenity is better at the nitty gritty, like types of cells and chemicals released."

"She sounds amazing," Micah said his eyes still locked on her.

She blushed and ducked her head. "After helping out the unit warriors so much I found that I had a knack for body magic. I tend to see a lot of illness and pain in the form of colors."

Her eyes strayed back to the pretty blonde sitting next to Prince Gavriel. She was torn. Did she know? Should she say something?

"Serenity, never play poker," Kendrick teased.

She looked up. "Huh?"

"Law and I saw it too. But I have to say I am very impressed with you. You saw it right away," Kendrick said pointing to Beth. "Do you know what it is?" he asked.

"Yes," she said nodding. She had noticed it immediately.

His mouth dropped. "What?"

Law burst into laughter. "Oh how the mighty have fallen! You've done nothing but scour your books and haven't got a clue!"

Gavriel leaned forward. "You know what the shadow is?"

Serenity hesitated. Kendrick frowned. "How bad?"

She winced. "Pretty bad." She took a deep breath. "It's a death curse."