"No, I'm not." She turned from Hal to Etain. "I'm not!" she protested.

Rheia squeezed her hand. "You need to stay calm. If you get upset it will hinder Kendrick's magic."

Vivi's throat constricted, and tear after tear began to fall. "I can't lose my baby, not when I just found out they were there." She looked up at Etain. "Save our baby!"

Her words vaulted him to action. He knelt between her knees where she sat at the edge of the bed. He placed his palms over her womb and his hands began to glow a soft golden light.

Minutes dragged by, but the tiny light in her palm continued to weaken.

"He's here," Micah said entering the room out of breath. While Kendrick and Etain had been working to save her baby, Micah had run for help.

Vivi looked up to see five fae unit warriors striding in. They formed a semicircle around Etain. The tallest turned to her. "My name is Sulis Vi'Erlondon. Will you allow us to share our light with Etain?" He pointed to the men behind him. "We all felt it when he began to share the light of Éire Danu, it would be an honor and a privilege to assist in saving the newest child of the fae."

"Please," she croaked her voice breaking. "Please help him."

The men placed a hand on Etain's broad back, and their hands began to glow. Vivi had never seen anything more beautiful in her life. Though each warrior's hand glowed with a golden light, no two were the same.

Etain's light was bright and sure. Sulis' was warm and slightly orange in color. The other men's lights ranged from yellow gold to amber in hue. The longer they shared their light, the stronger the pregnant stone began to glow.

When it finally began to pulse with a steady light, the men around her stepped away. Kendrick wiped the beaded sweat from his brow. "She's a fighter. You will have your hands full with that one," he said smiling.

Etain rocked back on his heels grinning. "A baby girl?" he asked.

Kendrick nodded. "She already has a definite personality. She's quite sassy. I think I am going to adore her."

Sulis reached down and helped Etain to his feet before offering him his forearm. "Congratulations brother!"

Vivi leaned against Rheia. "I'm going to be a mother." It was still sinking in. She was almost afraid to say it out loud. She stared down at the glowing pregnancy stone. "It doesn't seem real."

Rheia gave her hug then stood. "Trust me, it will get more and more real as time passes, especially when you get to the cravings and hourly pee breaks." She winked trying to make Vivi smile.

Sebastian dabbed at his eyes with a napkin. "Why don't you hold on to the stone for a while," he suggested.

Vivi's hand clenched around the stone. "Thank you."

"Okay people, let's give them some space!" Hal boomed.

Vivi was grateful. She just wanted to spend time alone with her mate. Hal herded everyone out then turned to them. "Make sure you're ready for dinner. You need to eat," he sniffled. "Especially since you're eating for two now." He shook his head. "My baby girl is having a baby girl." His eyes widened, and he turned closing the door behind him. Through the door they heard Hal yell. "Sebastian I need

those baby websites!"

Once they were alone Etain dropped down on the bed beside her. They both stared straight ahead not saying a word. Vivi opened her hand and stared down at the light. "A daughter," she said softly.

"I'll need an army to keep her safe," Etain muttered.

Vivi rested her head on his shoulder. "You can be her guardian angel commanding the other angels to keep her safe."

"Angels?" he asked.

"The fae warriors. They looked like a host of angels when they walked in. Somehow I knew everything would be okay." She wrapped her arms around his waist and he tucked her under his arm. "Thank you for saving our baby."

"I would have given her my life to ensure she would make it."

"That's what that light was, wasn't it. Your life."

Etain hesitated then nodded. "That's why Micah ran for the men. They helped shoulder the burden. Instead of me giving everything, a bit was taken from each warrior."

Vivi felt her stomach plunge, and she looked up at her mate. "Are you... are they going to die now?"