Kendrick hurried over, and Tarragon pointed. "Can your magic detect any foreign substance in the wound?"

Kendrick placed a hand on Vivi's shoulder. He pulled it back growling. "It's an anticoagulant and blood thinner."

"Dammit!" Tarragon shouted then turned back to his patient.

"What?" Etain asked. "Why is that bad?"

Kendrick walked over and placed both hands on his shoulders. "The mixture of an anticoagulant and blood thinner in a wound this deep in a vampire is fatal. Unlike shifters, fae and witches, vampires react horribly to both substances. This wound was meant to kill her," he explained slowly, in an even voice.

Etain shook his head. "That is unacceptable."

"We agree," a voice said from the door. Gavriel and Caspian hurried over to the gurney. "We would like to use a similar method to the one Vivi has been trying with the virus treatment. If Caspian and I both donate our blood, we may be able to prevent a bond from forming." He turned to Etain. "There is a probability that she may form a bond to one or both of us, but as we will only be sharing a few drops each to counteract the anticoagulant and blood thinner it should not happen. That being said, she does not share our bloodline, so we also run the risk of our blood acting like a poison and killing her. But as the four royal families are closely related we believe that it has a very good chance in working. Are those risks you are willing to take?"

"Yes! Gods, yes! Anything, just don't let her leave me," he begged.

Gavriel gave a nod and turned to Caspian. "As there is a substance in her wound preventing it from healing, I believe that the best method would be to drip our blood directly into her."

Caspian nodded. "I believe you are right."

They each took a breath and using a claw from the opposite hand, they opened deep cuts on their wrists. Etain watched as each drop of their blood seemed to take an eternity to fall. After a few minutes, Etain struggled against his best friend and unit leader. "Well!"

Gavriel and Caspian licked their wrists closed. Gavriel turned to Rheia. "Blood pressure?"

Rheia watched the monitor. "Rising! Thank god! It's rising!"

"Rising is good?" Etain demanded.

Micah's hands stopped glowing. He looked up tears in his eyes. "Rising is very good. Her wound is closing." Micah swayed a bit, and Declan propped him up. "Good work Casanova," he said, bumping his shoulder.

Etain felt his legs go, but he didn't fall. His brothers wouldn't let him.

"We have you," Adriel said quietly.

Etain rested his forehead against Grant's shoulder and let the tears fall. He refused to let the room see them, but he didn't mind if his brothers saw. When he needed them the most, each member of his unit had been there to support him. He would never, forget that.

"Can I get a fucking update!" an irate voice demanded out of no where. Etain lifted his head and found himself smiling. The tiny human had a way of spilling light into their darkest of moments.

Gavriel picked up his walkie talkie. "I will update Meryn. Etain why do you not take Vivi to your quarters where she will be more comfortable? There is a large, frantic squire desperate to see the both of you, and he is losing his mind as we speak."

Etain straightened. "I can move her?"

Rheia leaned against her mate looking exhausted. "She may be slightly tender, but she's perfectly healed." She pointed down. "Not even a scar."

Etain rushed forward to confirm for himself. The edges of her ripped shirt were bloodstained and the only proof of the ordeal he had just lived through.

Adriel stepped up behind him placing a hand on his back. "Her attacker?" he asked in a low voice.

"Stefan and his pack member Cainan have him on Level Six," Micah replied. "You'll never believe who it is." Etain looked up. "Who?"

Micah's eyes hardened. "That damn tunnel escort."

Etain went to turn to his unit leader and Adriel tightened his grip on his shoulder. "Do not worry brother. No matter what the council may say, his death is already a certainty."

Etain gave a nod in acknowledgement and gently picked up his mate cradling her close. He faced the room. "Thank you, all of you."

Rheia waved off his thanks. "It's what family does."

Her words shook him to the core. For the first time in centuries, he truly felt surrounded by family.