"Good," Colton said sitting back.

Vivi watched as Gavriel turned to Meryn and mouthed, 'thank you'. Meryn winked at the interim prince. Evidently, Meryn knew how to handle Colton.

Kendrick's jaw was clenched as he stood. "I am going to head to the lab to ensure that whoever broke in didn't disturb my testing plates."

The twins unravelled themselves from their blanket. "We'll come too."

Kendrick looked touched. "You two can stay here and rest."

Neil shook his head. "We want to stay near you," he declared unabashedly.

Kendrick's cheeks tinted pink before he cleared his throat. "Then come along." The boys sprang up from the sofa and followed him out the door.

Vivi couldn't bear to face Beth. "This is all my fault."

"I don't know about that," Meryn responded. "Maybe whoever took the blood, took it because they believed you were on to the right track. Maybe you are totally right, and they are freaking out."

Beth nodded. "She's right. Don't blame yourself. I know that my uncle would say the same thing."

Vivi knew they meant well, but not only had she created Magnus' treatment, she physically injected him with it causing his current state. No matter what, she knew this was on her.

She turned the cartridge with Gavriel's leftover blood in her hands. "I need to head to the lab as well to start testing. I wish I knew how a shifter would react to the older blood. They did so well with Viktor's blood, and he was only fourteen hundred years old. The blood we collected was twice as old."

"We still have the injectors upstairs that you prepared. So whenever you would like to move ahead with the third trial either on the shifters or vampires, we can," Ellie reminded her.

"Can't you just inject a kid and see what happens," Meryn suggested.

Vivi stared. "Meryn, I can't test on the children."

Meryn looked confused. "Why not? Wouldn't it be the quickest way to find out what will happen? Same thing with other vampires, just jab em and sit back and watch."

"Meryn, that's unethical and probably illegal," Vivi explained.

"Oh. Never mind then," Meryn said toppling to one side on the twins' blanket. She sat up then looked down at the blanket smiling. "Kendrick spelled it so it would be warm. Score!" She stood and began to twist until only her face was visible at the top of the blanket roll.

"My favorite delicacy. The Meryn Roll," Aiden teased picking her up. "Come on, I'll lay down with you for your rest period." He nodded to them then headed to their quarters.

Adriel stood. "I'm canceling the Code One and sending the men back to their usual posts." He held his hand out and helped Eva to her feet. Eva looped her arm with his. "I'll check in with Stefan. When y'all enacted the Code One the pack surrounded the hospital. I want to make sure they know that it was cancelled."

Ellie wiped her eyes on her sleeve. "I should go check on the children." Grant cupped her cheek. "How about after you do that we'll pick up Benji from Adora and watch a movie before dinner? Just the three of us?"

Ellie just wrapped her arms around Grant's neck hugging him tight. "That sounds like heaven."

Grant stood and easily swept his mate into his arms. "Then let's go. The sooner you check on the kiddos, the sooner we can see Benji."

As Grant was carrying her from the room, she looked over his shoulder at Vivi. "If you need anything just call."

Vivi shook her head and waved. There was little to be done at this point except testing, and that she could do on her own.

Beth set her tea cup down. "I want to sit with Uncle." She drew in a ragged breath. "Though I don't know what good it will do."

Broderick patted her knee. "It may do more good than you realize." He gave her a sad smile. "When we were getting Magnus into his own bed Caspian made the off comment that his behavior had upset you. Magnus actually calmed down a bit. I think, deep down, he's still in there. We just have to help him find his way back."

"Thank the gods!" Beth whispered.

Vivi sighed wearily. "I'm heading to the lab."

Etain stood and took her hand. "We may take a slight detour, so if you need either of us reach out using the walkie-talkie."