Gavriel took a deep breath. "About twenty minutes ago Magnus had a violent reaction to his first treatment for the virus."

Adriel looked from Gavriel to Vivi and back. "Violent how?"

Gavriel met his eyes. "He looks feral." Gasps were heard all around the room.

"But he's not, right?" Beth insisted looking to Vivi.

Vivi buried her face in her hands for a moment before looking up. "I can't say for sure."

Etain placed a supportive hand on her back. "Remember, she is trying to treat an impossible virus with an experimental method, there are no certainties."

"Damn this virus!" Beth exploded vehemently.

Gavriel's eyes turned red in the face of his mate's anguish. Vivi knew a lot of his anger stemmed from the fact that there was nothing he could do to help her. With a soft voice that contradicted his visible anger, he comforted his mate. "Beth my love, remember to try and stay calm for the baby's sake. It is only his first treatment, maybe this has to happen before he gets better," he said reasonably.

"Do you really think so?" she asked looking up at him with desperation shining in her eyes.

"It is as Etain said. We are facing an unprecedented situation. I believe that anything is possible." Gavriel held Beth close.

Etain turned to Meryn. "Do you think DeLaFontaine had anything to do with this? Is that why you went to see him after breakfast?"

Everyone turned to Meryn. Aiden frowned. "She did what?" Meryn shook her head. "No, well he may, but that wasn't why I was there. All through breakfast my ears kept buzzing, and I kept seeing a picture of DeLaFontaine in his cell. When I went to see him, the buzzing stopped but then flashes of Magnus started coming. DeLaFontaine was too damn smug. He even asked how Magnus' treatment was coming. There's no way he could have known we were doing that today."

Aiden looked around. "The only ones who knew about today's treatment are sitting in this room."

Avery leaned forward his eyes darting around. "What about listening devices?" he whispered.

Kendrick shook his head. "Every time I cast I soundproofing spell it would short out any listening devices. Even if they had one in here before we arrived, it would be toast by now with the number of spells cast per day."

Aiden waved around the room. "So right we're covered?"

Kendrick nodded. "It was the first thing I did when we got back here."

Gavriel looked to Aiden, then they looked around the room. "What are our first steps?"

"We need to determine what happened with Magnus. What or who caused it and if it will affect the children and other vampires," Vivi suggested first.

"That's pretty much it, in a nutshell," Ellie agreed.

Meryn turned to Kendrick. "What did you see when you looked at my empathy?"

Kendrick rubbed his eyes. "I think I witnessed a premonition happening from a magical perspective." He blinked. "It was incredible. There were flashes of pinpoint light going off everywhere."

"That shit hurt," Meryn grumbled.

"Premonitions aren't supposed to hurt Meryn," Kendrick said looking at her closely.

"Maybe they wanted to make sure I was paying attention," Meryn suggested massaging her temples.

Kendrick hesitated then gave a slow nod. "That might actually be a viable explanation."

As Gavriel turned back to Vivi, the door crashed open. Nigel and Neil practically tumbled through the doorway. Kendrick frowned and looked as if he were about to admonish them when Nigel fell to his knees and vomited in the corner. Kendrick jumped to his feet quickly moving to their side, his face like a thundercloud.

"Nigel!" Meryn exclaimed. She spun looking around the room until she spotted Rheia. "Help him!"

Rheia and Ellie were already moving. Ellie knelt beside Nigel while Rheia spoke in soothing tones to Neil. She turned to look at Kendrick. "They're in shock."

The state of the twins snapped Sebastian out of his own despair, and he rushed to Rheia's side. "What do they need?"