DeLaFontaine stared at her for a moment. "You are indeed an odd human."

"So why did you do it?"

He gave a lazy shrug. "Hypothetically speaking, if I truly had a hand in this, I would probably say... Oh, what is the phrase?" He tapped his lips. "Ah yes. To make an omelette one must crack a few eggs."

"And hypothetically speaking, you don't mind cracking certain eggs?"

Again, DeLaFontaine simply shrugged his response. He watched her carefully. "You know. You are more like me than you realize."

"No I'm not."

"Yes, you are. You seem to be able to quickly identify what you perceive to be problems, then you take action in the most direct way possible. One could say you are a bit ruthless," he smirked.

"Only with certain eggs," she retorted.

"Touché," he inclined his head. A smiled pulled at his lips. "How is Magnus' treatment going?"

Etain felt his stomach clench as Meryn stepped back. She spun on her heel and practically ran from the room. Etain had to hurry to catch up.

"Was it something I said?" DeLaFontaine called after them cackling.

When the door to the cells closed behind them Meryn was pulling desperately at the walkie-talkie at her belt. She brought it up. "Stop all treatments! I repeat, stop all treatments! Do not administer the third trial!" Meryn yelled as they turned the corner and ran past the transport tunnel.

When they reached the lab Meryn pounded on the door. They waited a minute before Meryn ran for the infirmary. She went to pound again when the door swung open. Kendrick stood there frowning. "Meryn, what on earth is the matter?"

Meryn wedged her way inside. "Don't give Magnus the treatment!"

Vivi paled. "I already have. It didn't take me long to balance the dosage since I was only working with two samples," she explained. "Why? What's going on?"

Meryn chewed on her lower lip. "I don't know."

"You don't know?" Vivi asked. She turned to Kendrick. "Is this more your thing?"

Kendrick placed a hand on her shoulder, and his eyes widened. "That is fascinating." He looked down. "Meryn are you seeing anything?"

"Just flashes." She swallowed and looked up at him. "And it's all bad."

The door behind them glowed with a flash of blue light before it swung open and Ryuu walked in heading straight to Meryn. "Denka, breathe. Your heart rate is too high."

Etain was impressed, from the moment that Ryuu entered the room. His presence seemed to expand out in front of him. Vivi walked past Magnus' bed where Caspian and Broderick sat on one side and Marjoram the other. She walked up to Etain and into his arms. He didn't know what was happening, but until he did, he wanted his mate safe at his side.

Meryn chewed on the side of her thumb. "It's probably nothing."

Kendrick shook his head. "If you could see your magic you wouldn't say that. It looks like the Fourth of July."

"Crap," Meryn groaned.

Kendrick's eyes were huge. "Meryn what are you seeing?"

"Fangs and Magnus freaking out."

Everyone turned to where Magnus was lying on the bed. "He seems to be okay Meryn," Vivi said eyeing Magnus' monitors.

"Meryn? Etain? Can we get an update?" Rheia asked over the walkie talkie.

Meryn looked around tears in her eyes. "I'm not lying."

Ryuu placed a hand on her back. "No one is saying you are denka. Everyone here believes you."