"Yes. I think you made a wonderful choice," he kissed the top of her head.

"Meryn you are an enigma," Law complimented.

Vivi picked up her wine glass and took a sip. When she set it down she noticed Rex's knuckles, which were still red. She grinned at him. "How did DeLaFontaine's interrogation go?"

Rex rubbed his knuckles with his other hand as Declan chuckled. Rex turned to her. "So far he has been very reticent concerning any information regarding the virus." He gave her a roguish smile. "But we're just getting started."

Meryn tu

rned to Rex her eyes sparkling. "Can I watch tomorrow?"

Aiden pulled Meryn onto his lap. "You can spend the day resting and away from the Elder," he grumbled.

"I was just gonna watch. I bet Rex pounding on DeLaFontaine would be super hot!" Meryn exclaimed. "I mean look at those arms!"

Aiden nipped Meryn on the neck while trying to cover her eyes with his hand. Giggling she kept turning her head back and forth to avoid his hand.

Rex was sitting straighter in his chair. "She is a woman of impeccable tastes."

Law rested his arm over the back of Rex's chair. "When she's right, she's right."

Vivi watched the entire scene and brought up her napkin to hide her smile. Law was smirking. Rex was nodding. Declan was watching the pair his eyes narrowed and Kari was shaking her head. Law was most definitely fucking with Declan.

Vivi decided she needed to help stir the pot. She turned to Law. "You know, the two of you sitting together make a striking picture. There's an electricity about you that is enthralling. You should do couples modeling."

Declan's head snapped around. "Couples?"

Vivi nodded. "You know a couple of guys."

Rex smiled at her. "Modeling? Really?"

"Oh absolutely."

"Definitely shirtless," Meryn added.

Declan seemed slightly mollified as he continued to eat dinner a frown on his face. Law winked at her, and Vivi gave him a small salute.

Rheia leaned back to make eye contact with Vivi. "We administered a second dose of the first trial using the warrior blood. The results between the older warrior blood and the younger vendor blood was like night and day. I honestly feel we have a chance at beating this thing tomorrow using the collected blood from the older vendors. We specifically asked for anyone who was over three thousand years old."

Vivi felt a spurt of hope. "I should be able to start Magnus' treatment tomorrow as well."

Beth looked between them. "Wouldn't it be amazing if Uncle and the children recovered at the same time. He would be delighted to hear that, while he was taking his nap, the children were cured."

Gavriel wrapped an arm around his mate. "Let us not get ahead of ourselves."

Beth sighed. "I know I am being optimistic, but I feel like something should go our way after everything we've been through in the past few weeks."

"I bet you're right Beth," Anne said encouragingly.

Rex raised a glass. "To the health of our loved ones."

Around the table, glasses were raised in toast. Vivi ate quietly as the dinner progressed fueled by everyone's excitement. She refused to get her hopes up. She knew that sometimes it took months to formulate a proper treatment, but she wasn't about to rain on everyone's parade. They looked like they needed the good news, especially considering how they kept referring to Magnus' state as him taking a nap.

When Meryn yawned for the fourth time, Aiden put his hand to her forehead. "Are you feeling well?"

Meryn went to answer and yawned again. "Just tired."

Aiden shot a look to Rheia, who gave a one shoulder shrug. "We've all been through so much in the past few days. It's understandable that she would be worn down."