Meryn hopped down off her mate's lap and trudged over to Magnus. She leaned over to rest her head on his shoulder. "Please," she asked simply.

"I could very easily go to those Founding Family meetings in your stead Uncle," Bethy offered.

Magnus' eyes went wide as he stared down at her spiky brown hair. His mouth opened and closed several times before he smiled gently. His arm came around so he could pat her on the head. "Of course dear, I will go with you."

Meryn's popped up, and she grinned at him. "Good because I don't know what you consider an heirloom. Plus half of it is probably stuff we don't use anymore. I don't want to pick out a golden bowl only to discover people used to shit in it or something."

Magnus stared, then burst into laughter. Wiping his eyes, he pulled her head down and kissed her forehead. "I will keep you from making such mistakes." Meryn blushed furiously.

Bethy met Meryn's eyes and mouthed, 'thank you!'.

Sebastian stepped up behind Meryn and ruffled her hair. "I will pack a huge lunch and soft duvets. You can make a day of it, the whole day in fact."

Magnus shook his head. "Surely not the whole day."

Sebastian pointed to Meryn. "You would not want to disappoint the little one would you?"

"Of course not."

Sebastian crossed his arms over his chest. "Then you both are to spend the entire day in the vault, relaxing and resting."

Magnus looked at his niece. "Thank you for taking over the meetings for me darling. Remember if they get too rambunctious to call me immediately."

Bethy looked over at Kari grinning. "I think we can handle it Uncle." Kari nodded.

Etain hid a smile. It was clear who was really in charge on Level One.

Meryn rubbed her hands together as she walked to Aiden and climbed back into his lap. "Time to swim in the gold coins like in Duck Tales."

Etain smirked at Law who was scowling. "Too bad I'm her guard now. I bet you would have loved to see what our prince has in his vault."

"Shut up," Law groused.

"I'm not upset you're jealous," Kendrick said to Law. "Even I wouldn't mind seeing what the prince of the vampires has deemed precious enough to store in the family vault."

Meryn looked at the witches smugly. "I get to go. I even get pudding," she gloated.

Kendrick winked at her. "That's because you're so special."

Micah cleared his throat. "Adriel, with four new adult cases showing up at the hospital yesterday, would you like me to change out the rotations so that the shifters are doing patrols away from sickness? The witches, fae and vampire warriors can help on Level six," he suggested.

Adriel exchanged glances with Rheia and Ellie. They both nodded before Ellie spoke. "That might not be a bad idea. As Meryn pointed out just because we haven't seen any vampires coming forward as sick doesn't mean there aren't any. But we do know for a fact that shifters are susceptible. The last thing we need is for our warriors to get ill."

Grant turned to his mate. "I've been around the kids since day one and haven't gotten sick, in fact, none of the shifter warriors have."

"Let us not tempt Fate," Adriel said.

Grant scowled at his unit leader. "I'm staying with my mate."

"Of course you are," Adriel sighed. "Just be careful."

Grant rolled his eyes. "At this point, I have been covered in just about every type of bodily fluid a kid can produce, if I was gonna get sick I would have by now," he said jokingly.

Ellie turned to her mate slowly her eyes wide. "You're right. You've been exposed to everything from vomit to blood. Why aren't you sick?"

Grant looked surprised at her expression. "Because I eat my veggies?"

Declan laughed. "No you don't, you're a meat and potatoes kinda guy. Sometimes minus the potatoes."