Gavriel rolled up the sleeve of his elegant dress shirt. "I am your humble servant."

Vivi made sure only to take a single vial, not a bag like the others. It would probably take a gallon of Caspian's blood to cancel out the strain requirement if she used a full pint of Gavriel's blood.

As she was finishing the label, the door opened to reveal Rheia and Colton. They walked in, three bags of blood in Colton's hands. He looked at them. "Is Kari okay? She sounded stressed."

Kendrick turned a page of his book. "Yes, though Avery is the one who is stressed now."

"Why?" Rheia asked sitting down next to Beth.

Kendrick got them caught up as Vivi placed the collected blood on the stone in the refrigeration unit. Her hands were itching to get Gavriel's blood under the microscope.

Etain walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. He leaned down and whispered in her ear. "You're grinning like a mad scientist."

She rested her head against his chest. "That's because I am a mad scientist."

"And you know your stuff," Rheia added. "You were right about that second trial. We don't even have to run a blood sample. The kids look awful. The younger blood was about as effective as the antivirals are becoming."

Etain turned their bodies so they faced the room. "How was the idea of a blood drive received?" he asked.

Rheia nodded slowly. "Good and bad. Nearly everyone over three thousand years old lined up to donate. But there were some grumbles about ensuring that no bonding would take place. Ellie and Anne are still up there drawing blood." She stretched her back. "I'd like to lie down for a bit in our room."

Colton began to rub her shoulders. "You should have said something earlier," he admonished.

Rheia sighed. "I'm used to being able to do a lot more. I had no idea being pregnant took so much out of you."

Colton paled. "It does," he agreed. His eyes glazed over, and he shivered.

Rheia glared at Kendrick. "If he passes out during delivery, I am going to use surgical glue and glue your dick to your leg."

Kendrick's eyes widened at her threat. "Seriously?"

"Dead serious." Rheia pointed to Colton, who was shuddering at his own memories. "This is your fault. You and that stupid video."

Kendrick held up hand. "Can I use magic to ensure he doesn't pass out?"

Rheia laughed. "I don't care what you use as long as he is conscious."

Kendrick exhaled in relief. "He'll be fine. I promise."

Colton blinked. "What type of magic?"

Kendrick looked at him with a droll expression. "Something considerably less scary than a glued down dick that's for sure."

Colton nodded then his eyes narrowed. "Wait, that's pretty scary." Kendrick shrugged.

Etain looked between the two of them in horror. "How does the Alpha Unit function?"

"Meryn updates their routines, Anne and I patch them up. Amelia mothers them and Beth keeps them organized," Rheia replied.

Vivi enjoyed the feel of being in Etain's arms. She tilted her head back. "So I'm pretty much done in here. What did you want to do today?"

Etain unwrapped his arms and took her hand. "I have an idea."

Rheia stood. "I could use a nap." Colton looked relieved. "Good idea. You and the baby need rest."

Gavriel leaned in to kiss Beth's temple. "How are you feeling?"

Beth went to answer then yawned. She looked surprised. "Actually, a nap sounds like a great idea." Gavriel was immediately all business. "Should we have Tarragon check you?"