DeLaFontaine began to struggle at that point. "I demand to be interviewed by the council!"

Dimitri slammed Ivan's face into the floor. "Too bad, they're stuck at the Council Estate since the city is on lock down due to the virus."

Meryn edged closer her eyes bright. "He's so cool."

Aiden pulled her against him. "You just like violent people."

Meryn turned to Dimitri with puppy-dog eyes. "Hit him again?" she asked pouting.

Dimitri gave her a wolfish grin and reached for DeLaFontaine. Gavriel shook his head. "Save it for later."

Dimitri stood and winked at Meryn. "He will get what is coming to him."

Meryn gave a short nod. "Good, because he upset Felix and that's not acceptable."

Vivi frowned. "Where did he go?"

Meryn pointed down her hoodie. "He's still shaking." She pulled the hoodie away from her chest. "That was totally badass though Felix. We need to get a picture of you with your bloody sword, that was awesome."

Aiden peeked down Meryn's shirt. "Where did he learn how to use a sword?"

"YouTube," Meryn replied glibly.

Gavriel pointed to the door. "Dimitri, if you would?"

Dimitri placed a hand over his heart and bowed. "My Prince, it would be an honor." He bent down and pulled a thrashing DeLaFontaine to his feet. He looked around the room until he spotted Kendrick. "Air shackles?"

Kendrick spoke low staring at DeLaFontaine. A moment later, he exhaled. "That should do it." DeLaFontaine's hands were now lying on top of each other seemingly pinned to his tailbone.

"My thanks," Dimitri said and dragged DeLaFontaine from the room.

Gavriel turned to Kari. "Kari if you..."

She held up a hand. "Five steps ahead of you. They'll be here in ten minutes."

Gavriel grinned. "Of course you are."

Rheia, Anne and Ellie walked over with Colton, Law and Grant. Rheia jerked her head toward the door. "You don't need us for this. We're heading to Level Six to start a blood drive of older blood for the next set of trials and to check on children."

Gavriel waved Micah over. "Can you go with them as an additional guard?"

Micah wrapped an arm around each woman's shoulders despite the low growls coming from their mates. "I would love to spend more time with these heavenly creatures." He steered them toward the door, their irate mates in tow.

"Kendrick, a soundproof spell please?" Gavriel asked.

"Five steps ahead of you," Kendrick teased as the air flexed.

Gavriel pinched the bridge of his nose. "I am surrounded by comedians."

Aiden clapped him on the back. "Welcome to my world."

The rest of their group sat down and got comfortable. Vivi was ensconced in the love seat with her mate. She kept turning the cuff link over in her hand. Etain reached over and took it from her.

"Here," Kari said handing Etain something small and red.

Vivi looked at her. "What's that?"

Kari held up a pencil. "The eraser. We do not want anyone dosed accidentally." Etain affixed the eraser to the cuff and dropped it in his front pocket.