Kari leaned over the sofa. "Can you prove you are royal?"

Gavriel turned to her. "Do you have your family's Book of Life?"

She nodded. "Both of them."

Adriel's eyes bugged out. "Both?" he collapsed back in his chair. "You have your mother's book? Magnus and I looked everywhere for it. You have had it all this time?"

She smiled. "I never leave home without them. Where I go, they go."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. For those of us not older than dirt, some inside info please," Meryn complained.

Vivi turned to Meryn. "My mother was Mercia DuCoeur, and my father was Armand DuSang."

"The crazy one?" Meryn asked.

Vivi sighed. "Yes Meryn, the crazy one."

Meryn winced. "Sorry."

Gavriel buried his face in his hands. Concerned Beth wrapped an arm around him. "What's wrong my love?"

When he looked up, his eyes were bright. "I thought they were extinct. For the first time in centuries, we have all four royal bloodlines." He took a shuddering breath.

"Which means we can confirm you as prince," Kari said pulling out her iPad.

Gavriel looked around his eyes wild. "I never wanted this," he started.

"Which is why you are perfect for the job." Kari retorted. "It is only temporary. No offense but I almost have Magnus broken in. I do not want to start over with you."

"Besides you are coming home with us when this is over. I couldn't do without my second in command," Aiden said gruffly. "Lycaonia is your home."

Gavriel sat back dazed. "Right. Just temporary."

"My PA system is looking pretty sweet about now isn't it," Meryn gloated.

Kari shook her head. "If we made a general announcement like this, we would have mass chaos on our hands." She paused. "No, we need to call a meeting with all of the heads of the Noble and Founding Families first. Apprise them of the situation and prove Gavriel, Adriel and Vivi's bloodlines. Then we can let them make announcements to the citizens on their levels. That way they can field most of the questions and concerns, not us. We are too busy as it is."

"Too bad we can't just put Kari in charge," Meryn pointed out.

"Bite your tongue! I could never lead," Kari exclaimed.

Around the room suppressed laughter tittered through hand-covered mouths to fill the antechamber.

Kari looked around. "What?"

Her indignation set off gales of laughter that acted as a release from the mounting stress of Magnus' sudden collapse. Declan stood and wrapped his arms around his mate. "Kari my love, you could run this city with one hand tied behind your back and blindfolded."

"Pish Posh! I will leave that headache to Magnus and now Gavriel." She brought her cell phone up to her ear. "Avery darling, I need a massive favor. Could you along with your huge mate go to every level and tell all the ranking heads of the Founding and Noble families to meet on Level One in one hour?"

From where she sat Vivi heard an adorable squeak followed by reassurances that he would have everyone assembled in the meeting room in an hour.

Kari, however, wasn't done. She dialed again and brought the phone back to her ear. "Rachelle, hi. I need a favor. Can you hit up the vendors for me? I need refreshments put together and brought down to Level One. I need enough for a large meeting with the Founding and Noble families and in less than an hour."

"Of course Kari, they would walk through fire for you. Is there anything I can help with?" Rachelle asked.

"Unofficially can you put a few sets of friendly ears on each level? I will need feedback later."

"Gods above it must be something huge. Not to worry I still have my contacts from living on Level Five with DuBois. Will there be some sort of announcement?"