Vivi sighed. "Do you want to have sex or correct my grammar?"

Etain reached out and swung the door open. "After you my lady."

"That's what I thought." She walked in and couldn't stop looking around. "This is amazing!"

Behind them above the door, a huge stained glass mural cast colorful shadows of a forest scene on the floor. Crystal lanterns were hung from the ceiling to create floating lighting. All of the furniture was done in different wood tones; it was a warm kaleidoscope of walnuts, oak, maple and ebony.

He took her hand and gently led her up the stairs. "This way."

Still turning her head about, she followed him. Smiling she ran her hand along the polished wood. It was so well worn that the surface felt like silk. Her mate led her to a door and opened it. "The master suite."

When she walked in she was struck by how dark it was. There was no natural light nor any form of lighting. "Um, Etain, it's kinda dark in here."

"One moment." He closed the door, and she heard his sure foot steps walk across the room. She realized that he must have done this hundreds, if not thousands of times to know exactly where to step.

After a few seconds, she heard a soft click before the room was flooded with light. She stared in amazement. One entire wall had been made into a fireplace. Reflected light danced across the room through crystals flanking the massive fireplace.

She watched as he walked back over to her, his form outlined by red and gold flames. "Do you like it?"

Vivi swallowed hard. She felt like she had spent her entire life shivering. Only her mate's warmth had ever provided any relief. She couldn't help the tears that fell onto her cheeks. "I feel like I am in the sun, but it doesn't burn. It's just warm and comforting."

Etain pulled her into the circle his arms. "I tried to recreate the sun-filled environment of Éire Danu. After leaving, I found that I not only craved the warmth but also the light." He paused. "I wasn't sure if you would like it. Adriel hates it, he says that he feels like it's a beast waiting to consume the room."

Vivi shook her head. "No, it's not like that at all. It feels like it's stretching out, wanting to erase my darkness and bathe it in light."

Etain tipped her head back. "What darkness could you possibly have?"

Vivi moved her face out of his hand, and rested her cheek on his chest. "More than I can bear at times."

Etain wrapped his arms around her and eased her to the floor. Vivi sighed and sank her hands into the soft floor covering. "This isn't a rug," she said inspecting it closer.

Etain shook his head. "No, it is a modern blend of cashmere and wool over a layer of memory foam eight inches deep that has been recessed into the floor. It was dreadfully expensive," he said pointing to the vast amount of floor it covered. "But worth it."

"My shoes!" Vivi pulled her foot up to remove her shoes when Etain laughed.

"It's been spelled by Micah to stay clean. You don't have to worry."

He got comfortable on his side and patted the space next to him. "I think you have a story to tell me."

She scooted over until she was next to him and lay back. "And what makes you think there is a story?"

He raised a brow but remained silent.

"Damn Hal and your male bonding." She met his eyes. "What did he tell you?"



He shook his head. "He said that it was your story to tell, and you would share with me when you were ready."

She closed her eyes. She really didn't want to talk about her family, to do so she felt would bring shadows to his place of light and warmth.

Her eyes opened when she felt him begin to rub between her eyebrows. "You don't have to tell me anything you do not wish to."

Vivi took a deep breath. If she couldn't trust her mate, then there would be no one on this earth she could trust. "My father murdered my mother," she said simply. She heard his quick inhale before his arms pulled her close to his body.

"I am so sorry my love."