for the fae to live thousands of years."

She had already undressed and was freezing. She hurriedly pulled back the covers and dove in. "Well, not all of us are fae," she said scrunching her nose at him.

"No, you in particular, are a sexy vampire that tempts this poor fae warrior to distraction," Etain admitted removing his boxers and climbing in beside her.

She immediately snuggled in close to him. His skin was so warm. Being in her mate's arms reminded her of how it felt when she would toss her favorite blanket in the dryer. "So warm."

Etain began to kiss the back of her neck before moving to the side. Groaning she wiggled her bottom against his hardness. "And what am I tempting you to do now?" she asked breathlessly.

"I need to make love to my mate," he replied in a low voice sending shivers down her spine.

She rolled onto her back. "And I need to feel you. Surround me and hold me. After revealing who I am, I feel exposed, and I don't like it."

Etain moved until he was between her legs nearly covering her from head to toe. "I will always be your shield."

Vivi giggled and shifted her hips. "Right now, you're feeling more like a sword."

Etain grinned. "I love that we can smile and joke as we make love. You make my heart soar."

Vivi reached up and traced his cheekbones, then his lips. "I couldn't have done tonight without you. I wouldn't have had the courage."

Etain lowered himself until his cock was teasing her entrance. He latched onto her neck and slowly bit down.

"Gods!" she cried out as her body lit on fire. Never before had any man learned her body so quickly. He was playing her like an instrument. She bucked her hips so that the length of him slid along her folds causing them both to moan.

His lips moved, and he kissed her temple. "You sell yourself short. You would have stepped forward had I not been there because you would have never put the city in danger."

Unable to take their mutual torture a second longer he reached down and eased into her. Both of them sighed in relief. Hooking her legs on his forearms, he opened her wide to him.

On the third thrust, he hit the perfect angle. "Don't you dare move!" she threatened. His masculine chuckle and deeper thrust was his only response. Vivi closed her eyes as he worked that elusive spot inside of her.

"Vivian," Etain groaned and she knew he was close. She reached down and had barely touched her clit when her own orgasm swept her away. Her shouts lifted with his until they were both a sweaty tangled mess. He pulled from her and literally collapsed to her side. When their eyes met they both laughed at the sheer joy of their union.

"Does your bed self clean too?" she asked.

Grimacing Etain shook his head. "I will change the sheets tomorrow," he promised.

"Put self-cleaning sheets on our wish list," she murmured her eyes drooping.

"Whatever you say my love," he agreed and pulled her close.

Love it when he says that.


The first thing they did the next morning was check on the new donations and prep them for treatment. She was somewhat surprised to see that not only had the blood finished processing already, but the stone was back to grey. That meant that the blood had finished sometime in the night, and the stone had had hours to reset.

It didn't take her long to find the correct ratio for the three donations. Carefully she filled the cartridges, and they ran them up to Level Six. She smiled when she saw that Ellie was already doing her morning check-ins.

"Is that the next batch?" she asked when Vivi handed her the new injector cartridges.

"Yes. So if you could do the same as before and just document any changes that would be great."

"I'll send down a new blood sample sometime this afternoon." She looked around when she heard a child crying. She turned back to her. "See you at breakfast?"

Vivi nodded before Ellie hurried to the child's side. As much as Vivi loved helping others, she was definitely not a hands on person. To her, Ellie was a goddess.

When she and Etain walked into the prince's quarters, Vivi was shocked at what she saw. The antechamber was filled with gift baskets and intricate arrangements of flowers. To her delight Sebastian greeted them with a smile. With his hand over his heart, he bowed low to her.