"Now that, I have to see," Meryn said eagerly. "It will be better than watching an MMA match."

Magnus sat back in his chair looking relieved. "Now that is more like it. This is what I have come to look forward to," he raised his goblet then stared at it as it began to shake. He looked around confused. "Something is wrong with the glass," he announced before his eyes rolled up into the back of his head, and he collapsed to one side.

"Uncle!" Beth screamed.

Vivi stood as chaos erupted.


Marjoram pushed her way to the end of the table to get to Magnus. Beth was pulled back by Gavriel. He held her close moving them off to one side as she wept hysterically.

The older nurse knelt beside the prince. "I saw this coming a mile away." She looked up. "He's in no immediate danger so everyone calm down. Adriel, Aiden clear the room. Rheia, Ellie you're with me. Broderick prep the infirmary," Marjoram said barking her orders. Everyone began moving, grateful for direction. Vivi and Etain hung back. Vivi wasn't sure if Marjoram would need her help in devising a treatment for the prince.

"Beth honey, come here," Marjoram said in a motherly tone.

Sniffling Beth moved forward until she was beside her uncle. Marjoram took her hand and placed it on his chest. "See, he's breathing. He's just unconscious at the moment."

"What's wrong with him?" Beth asked gently running a hand over his hair.

"I believe that somehow he has contracted the virus. He's probably had it for some time," Marjoram said sighing.

"How?" Beth looked up horrified.

"That I don't know. But he's been too weak and exhausted lately for it to simply be stress." She held his wrist between her fingers.

"Beth if he reacts like the other vampires, he will be unconscious until we can work out a treatment. The adult shifters react in a similar fashion, but they wake up now and then. So far, the vampires haven't," Rheia explained.

Broderick and Caspian ran up to where they knelt. "We're ready."

Marjoram stood as Caspian easily lifted his brother and carried him from the room, Sebastian following close behind them. She turned to Vivi. "The timetable for trials may have just gotten moved up a bit. Be thinking about how to treat an older vampire."

Vivi nodded. "I'll start immediately."

Marjoram turned to Ellie. "I will be taking over Magnus' care personally so you will need someone else assisting on Level Six."

"Don't worry about us," Ellie protested.

Marjoram kissed her granddaughter's cheek and rubbed Beth's shoulder comfortingly before looking around the room. "You girls stay close to one another. I don't believe Fate brought you together for no reason. If you need me, I will be in the infirmary, with the prince." She gave Beth's shoulder a final squeeze then hurried after Broderick and Caspian.

When Vivi and the others walked out of the dining room, she noticed that no one had left. Micah stood from the love seat where he had been sitting and motioned for Gavriel and Beth to sit down. They were decidedly more cramped in the antechamber, but no one seemed to want to return to the dining room.

"Ladies and gentlemen, if you would give Ryuu and myself some time, we will clear the dinner table and bring out refreshments," Hal announced.

Adriel nodded. "Take your time."

"What do we do now?" Beth asked in a small voice.

Kari paced behind the sofa. "Did not Magnus make Gavriel and Beth his heirs?"

Gavriel shook his head. "That only goes into effect in the event of Magnus' death. If we try to enforce that, we will have pitched battles on each level. Even our allies within the Founding Families would have a hard time backing us."

"What's the difference?" Meryn asked.

Vivi turned to the small human. She knew it would be difficult for her to understand the intricacies of vampire politics. "Because power once bestowed is hard to take back."

"Exactly," Gavriel agreed. "Magnus was able to get away with naming us his heirs because everyone knows how young he his. He has centuries to find a mate and have children of his own. No one thought Beth and I would have to take over, not really," Gavriel's eyebrows were pulled together as he scowled.

"What if we were to confirm Gavriel as the interim prince?" Adriel suggested.