Someone snorted out loud and the entire room erupted into laughter. Colton banged on the table. "I knew you were a glutton for punishment!"

Aiden gave his best friend a flat look. "It's easier to just roll with what she says than to argue."

"He likes it," Meryn said grinning.

"Thank the everloving gods!" Kendrick muttered sitting back in his chair.

Beth glared at Meryn. "If you ever scare me like that again I will... I will..."

"Yeah?" Meryn challenged grinning.

"I will block all your streaming accounts and super glue your laptop shut!" Beth threatened.

Meryn's eyes widened. "You wouldn't!"

"Try me," Beth crossed her arms over her chest.

Meryn looked down at the table. "I thought I was helping Aiden. I didn't want to embarrass him."

Rheia laughed. "You're only now worrying about that?"

Meryn looked up concern on her face. "I do embarrass him?"

The men were all shaking their heads, but Anne and Rheia were nodding and laughing. "Of course you do, but he doesn't care," Rheia replied.

"Rheia..." Colton started.

Rheia held up a hand to head off her mate before focusing on Meryn. "You ignored protocol and moved into the Alpha Estate. You called René Evreux a douchebag in the council chambers. You beat Aiden with a toilet, set his car on fire, took over trainee assignments, somehow managed to get an article printed that Daphne Bowers had vaginoplasty, covered the entire Lycaonia town square in flour glue, flew a drone into Noctem Falls' detention cells to bewitch Gerard Dubois into calling himself a douchebag while under oath..." Rheia gasped for breath. "Do I need to go on?"

Meryn looked up at her mate. "Was that embarrassing?"

Aiden's mouth opened and closed. He looked around then back down at his mate. "I'm not quite sure how to answer this."

Most of the men around the table at this point could barely breathe including Etain. Vivi had no idea the woman in front of her was so wonderfully nuts. She rubbed her mate's back as he gasped for air.

Beth wiped her eyes from laughing. "I think Rheia's point is, that if you can do all that and Aiden thinks you are adorable, what made you think that the way you dress or spoke made a difference?"

Meryn shrugged and stared down at the table.

Vivi took a deep breath and went out on a limb. "Don't act childish! It's embarrassing!" she barked. Meryn visibly shrunk against her mate.

"Vivi!" Ellie gasped.

"Meryn, who used to say that to you?" Vivi asked in a softer tone.

"My grandmother," Meryn whispered.

"Where is she now?"


"Good. She sounds like a hateful bitch."

Meryn looked up smiling a bit. "She was. My Aunt Lily said we may be able to get her grave moved closer so we can desecrate it easier."

Law had just taken a huge gulp of wine began to choke. His face turned red as he struggled to breathe. "Gods Meryn, don't do that!" he fussed.

Meryn turned in Aiden's lap and looked at Ryuu who was visibly fighting his emotions. "I'm sorry."