Anne nodded. "She got this little necklace. It's very simple, but she said she liked it."

"So she got a free pass to pick out any three things from Prince Magnus' vault, and she only got one thing for herself?" Vivi was impressed.

Kendrick shrugged and turned back to his book. "That's just Meryn. If she didn't see anything she wanted she would have just walked away. She never would have taken something just to take it."

Behind Vivi the door opened and Rheia walked in smiling. "Getting donations was a breeze. Though, we are starting to get questions from the vendors about a possible treatment for the vampires." She walked over and handed Vivi the bags of blood.

Using her thumb, she unlocked her biometric case. Kendrick shuddered. He was the first witch she had met who showed such a sensitivity to black magic. Carefully, she lifted the stone out the case and carried it over to the refrigerator. She set everything inside and shut the door before looking up at the clock. It was already time for dinner.

"I don't know about you all, but I'm starved." Vivi stretched her arms over her head.

"I know I am. I want to check on Meryn too. She hasn't left her room all day." Rheia said looking worried.

"Let's get ready and meet in the antechamber. We can check on her together," Ellie suggested.

"Sounds like a plan," Anne agreed.

Vivi followed the women out of the room and headed toward her quarters. She wondered if she would see her mate before dinner.


"Did I tell you about how he picked up the tunnel escort and used him to beat one of the Noble Family's sons?" Etain asked.

Vivi hid a smile. He had, in fact, twice, since arriving in the suite an hour ago. "Yes, but you can tell me again."

Etain laughed, his eyes shining. "I wish I had recorded it, for posterity of course."

"Of course," she murmured as she applied the last of her make up.

When she turned around she could only stare. Etain was in full fae dress. His long robe was a cream color that draped over his body beautifully. The full body overvest that hung to the floor was a burnt orange accented in embroidered gold. She sighed. "You are so beautiful."

He sauntered up to her and nuzzled her neck. "If I hadn't just watched you perfect your make up for the past half hour, I would kiss you senseless."

"You're too good to me," she teased and leaned her head away from giving him better access to her neck.

He gave her one final quick bite that her knees threatening to buckle before he stood back and offered her his arm. "Shall we?"

They left her quarters and headed to the antechamber. When they walked in she was struck by how very quiet it was. She glanced around, and everyone stood looking grim. Under her hand, she felt Etain's body tense. She followed his gaze and saw Meryn, or at least, she believed it was Meryn.

The small human sat on the edge of the chair her back ramrod straight. Instead of her normal tee and sweatpants she was dressed immaculately in a stylish black cocktail dress. Her hair was perfectly coifed, and jewels dripped from her neck, ears and wrists.

"Who's that?" Vivi whispered.

Meryn gave her a short smile. "Don't be silly. It is just me."

Ryuu stood off to one side. His face was an unreadable mask, but his rage seemed to simmer just below the surface. Waves of anger radiated from him like heat off of asphalt.

Aiden just looked confused. "Are you comfortable baby?" he asked.

"I am very well, thank you," she replied.

Beth, Anne and Rheia exchanged worried glances, which had their mates frowning, their concern doubled, both for their mates and for Meryn.

Sebastian cleared his throat looking anxious. "Dinner is ready," he announced to the subdued room.

Meryn turned to Aiden and waited for him to stand before offering him her gloved hand. He instinctively helped her to rise and escorted her to the dining room. When the door shut behind them, Rheia turned to Kendrick. "What the actual hell?" she growled.

Kendrick shrugged. "I scanned her. She's not under any influence; drug, magic or otherwise. This is all her."