Vivi stared down at the insignificant man. "My mate adores her. My best friend trusts her, and my squire has been enchanted by her. That makes her like family. I can call her a bratty little hobbit. You can't." She kicked the escort in the face sending him sprawling on his back. She casually walked over and placed her foot on his throat. She smiled when his eyes began to bulge.

She had never felt so calm in her life. The detachment she felt as his lips began to turn blue was almost liberating. "You would do well to remember to never, ever cross me."

There was stark terror in the escort's eyes as he tried to nod with her shoe under his chin.

Warm arms encircled her from behind pulling her against a muscled body. "I think he understands now my love," her mate whispered into her ear.

His spoken words seemed to sift down over her like a golden mist, chasing away the cold darkness. "Good." She managed to keep her voice even as she removed her foot and watched him scramble on all fours. He crawled to the tunnel and pitched forward out of sight.

Vivi turned to look at Meryn. She was shocked to see that the small human was somehow diminished. She seemed even smaller than before.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

When Meryn looked up, her eyes were without light or personality. "Yes. I am fine." She looked up at Law. "I can show you where to put the speakers."

Law turned to them as if unsure of what to do. Etain stepped beside Vivi and took her hand. "Help her install the speakers then take her directly downstairs to her squire. We will drop off the injectors and join you later."

Law nodded, concern still clearly written on his face. "I am yours to command Red Queen, show me where you want me to float your speakers." He followed Meryn when she turned and left without another word.

Etain looked down at Vivi. "I am worried about her," he sighed. "Ryuu will probably slow roast me over a spit for letting this happen. I assured him that I would keep her safe when we let him know we were coming up here to install those bloody speakers." His eyes searched hers. "Are you well? You didn't seem like yourself for a moment," he asked rubbing his thumb over her lips.

"I would be lying if I said yes. I don't think I've ever been that mad before in my life. I do care for Meryn, but it was more than that. His words echoed a thousand different men over the years. 'You're just a woman.' 'You're worthless.' 'Give up.' 'You'll never get a man acting like one.'." She swallowed hard. "I think seeing the devastation on her face was just the last straw."

Etain cleared his throat. "Would it be entirely inappropriate if I told you how incredibly sexy you looked with your foot on his throat like that?"

Vivi felt the protective ice that had formed during the altercation begin to melt. Her lips twitched as she tried not to smile. "Is that right?"

He leaned down and began to nibble on the side of her neck. "How about after we drop off the treatment, I escort you down to the Unit Level and show you my home."

Vivi tilted her head to give him more access to her neck. "You mean where there aren't any squires to interrupt?"

"Exactly," he breathed into her ear sending shivers down her spine.

"Lead the way my love," she pointed toward the hospital.

Etain pulled back and met her eyes. "Love?"

"I meant it, did you?"

His golden eyes darkened to a burnt amber color. "Once we are alone, I will show you how much I meant it."


She hadn't grown up around mated couples, so she had no idea if the flood of emotions she felt for this warrior were true, but, she found she didn't care. She was going to dig her fingers into the swirling mass of desires and outright need and never, ever let him go.


Vivi made her way to the hospital with her mate at her side. When they walked through the doors, she was shocked to the core by the number of beds occupied. In her mind, she knew the numbers, but before seeing the tiny bodies it had been just that, a number. Never in her life had she ever seen so many paranormals ill. It was as frightening as it was surreal. Sights like this were so common in human hospitals, but never among her own people.

Marjoram rushed up to her. "The injectors?"

"Here." Vivi handed her the small box. "Any questions on how to use?"

Marjoram gave her a grim smile. "Point and shoot."

Vivi nodded. "You got it."

The older woman tucked the box under her arm. "You head down. It won't take us long to administer this batch. We'll document any changes and later we'll bring you down new samples, for what they're worth."