Moments later, she had a response. "Is it ready?" she asked, with no preamble.

"Yes, I have six injector guns here ready for distribution."

"Injector guns? Really? My, aren't we fancy? That should make this entire process, quick and painless. Thank the gods you were called in. I'll be right down."

"Hey guys, are you heading up to Level Six?"

Vivi turned around was surprised to see her mate and Meryn coming through the door. "We hadn't planned on it why?"

Meryn held up a bag. "I need these installed on Level Six. They are bluetooth compliant speakers. I should be able to get them set up using an iPad, but they kinda have to be in place. I figured we would need to make announcements there first."

Vivi reached for the walkie talkie. "Never mind Marjoram, we're heading up."

"Okay dear, see you soon."

Meryn frowned at her. "You didn't use her call sign."

"That's because I don't know it."

"Oh. Yeah. I should make a list or something."

"Come along Tiny, we'll go with you up to Level Six."

"I know you are but what am I?" Meryn retorted.

Vivi reached out and ruffled Meryn's hair making it stick up in every direction. "Let's go Frodo."

"I swear I will glue your eyelids shut. I have practice!" Meryn threatened.

Etain wrapped an arm around Vivi's waist. "Please do not antagonize the genius." Meryn half turned and stuck her tongue out at her.

"I can't help it. She's like a bratty kid sister. It's fun."

Law stayed next to Meryn as they floated up the tunnel.

"I am not a brat," Meryn protested as they reached Level Six.

"Whatever Frodo." Vivi grinned when Meryn glared at her through narrow slitted eyes. "I have lash glue, and I'm not afraid to use it."

"Bring it on. I have needles at my disposal."

Meryn pursed her lips. "Good point." She turned in the direction of the hospital and groaned. "Not you again."

The tunnel escort glared at her. "I hope you are happy. I hear vampires are sick now. You and your human ideals have brought us nothing but trouble. It is not enough that you are an embarrassment to your mate, but you have also somehow put our prince under your spell."

Vivi watched as all the color drained from Meryn's face. "I'm a what?"

The tunnel escort turned his nose up at her. "You are too stupid to know what a laughingstock you are. Everyone feels sorry for your mate. The once great Unit Commander brought low by a worthless female. He would be better off without you."

Vivi felt an icy calm spread through her body. Before either her mate or Law could react, she was standing in front of the tunnel escort. He blinked once before she drove the tips of her fingers into his throat.

"Didn't your mother ever tell you that if you didn't have anything nice to say, to not say anything at all?"

The escort dropped to his knees gasping. Behind her she heard Law speaking to Etain. "I never even saw her move."

"Neither did I," Etain admitted, sounding astonished.

" feel as I do. I heard you calling her names," the escort choked out the words.