Hal nodded. "When I saw it in the kitchen, I had to try it. It's impossible to get in the human world."

"It's exactly what Meryn needs as well," Marjoram added. She turned to Vivi. "I knew it was only a matter of time before the two of you showed up."

"You have worked wonders here Marjoram, but I expected nothing less when I heard you and Ellie were here," Vivi said giving the woman a warm smile. Marjoram was her adopted grandmother, and she couldn't help mothering her whenever she visited Ellie. Vivi soaked up the attention like a flower reaching for the sun.

Vivi looked around. "Where is Ellie?"

Marjoram placed a single roll on her p

late. "She and Rheia are upstairs doing a morning sweep of the hospital. They should be here any moment."

"I want to live off of pudding and cinnamon rolls and coffee," Meryn leaned back in her chair patting her distended stomach.

Ryuu smiled fondly at his charge. "I am sure that we can add a few more things to that list denka."

"I think I have hurt myself," a dark-haired young man groaned. "It was worth it though." He looked at her and gave her a goofy smile. "Not the best way to present myself as an Alpha is it?" he joked.

She smiled her reassurance. "I think under the circumstances it's understandable."

"I'm Stefan Bolivar, the Alpha of the Wolftown pack. I've been spoiled by being able to come down here for some meals when we do updates. I swear I've gained five pounds in a week." He looked over at Meryn. "By the way. I spoke to my brother Cristo about you, how I couldn't place your scent. He's very curious, not much gets past a wolf's sense of smell. He said he would swing by to meet you." He frowned. "I'll wait until he's here to update him on some of the more complicated details regarding this sickness."

Meryn shrugged. "Whatever floats your boat."

"Speaking of updates," Kendrick began. He spoke softly as the air pressure changed while he soundproofed the room. He stood and looked around the table. "We ran into a bit of a snag last night."

"Snag?" Magnus asked leaning forward.

Kendrick nodded. "For some reason all traces of the virus have disappeared from our prepared samples." He held up a hand as he saw Adriel and Aiden gearing up for questions. "They were not tampered with, even all traces of magic are gone."

Stefan sat back looking pale. "What are we going to do? Nearly a quarter of my pack are ill."

Vivi mimicked Kendrick and stood. "That is where I come in. In an effort to improve upon my people's food source, I have been studying human blood and disease for as far back as science allowed. I think I may have a way to use vampire blood to help heal the sick, without the typical bonding taking place."

Gavriel blinked. "How?"

"By using the best of science and magic, though, in an effort to keep everything transparent, I have never used this method on shifters before, only humans."

"Success rate?" Magnus asked looking hopeful.

"Once I was able to figure out the correct balance of methods using a bespelled stone and a mixture of different donors for vampire blood, one hundred percent."

Magnus sat back exhaling. "Thank the gods!"

Vivi shook her head. "Don't thank them yet. Shifters metabolize much faster than humans. Last night, we prepared donations from three warriors. They should be about ready for trial runs. I am confident this method will help, but I cannot guarantee any results."

Magnus shook his head. "You have given us hope, that means more than any guarantee." He looked at her then Kendrick. "When can we start administering?"

Kendrick was about to respond when Colton's walkie-talkie crackled startling everyone. "Colton! I need you, Aiden, Gavriel, and Beth up here now! We just had three vampires show up sick! I also need Anne desperately! Shit just hit the fan!" Rheia's voice called out frantically.

Vivi didn't know the woman well, but she didn't seem the type to get hysterical. Judging from the way the men practically leapt to their feet she knew she was right in her assumption.

Colton, Anne, Kendrick, Aiden, Gavriel, Beth, Adriel, Eva and Stefan bolted from the room. Declan hurried out with Grant and Micah. He was speaking into his walkie talkie to the other unit warriors coordinating their efforts to station men on different levels to prevent mass panic. Magnus along with Rex, Kari, Caspian and Broderick headed to his office to start fielding questions. Vivi stood unsure of what to do. She was medically trained, but she didn't have much experience in hospitals working directly with the sick. She was much more comfortable behind the scenes, sequestered in her lab.

Marjoram wrapped an arm around her shoulder. "Get to the lab and start the first batches of the treatment. When they are ready, call out directly to me on those walkie-talkies, I will be listening for you. I will come down here and take them to Level Six to be administered."

Vivi sagged in relief. "Thank you."

Marjoram kissed her temple. "You are our best bet in beating this thing. Your place is in the lab dear heart." She turned to Sebastian, Ryuu and Hal. "Okay gentlemen, we will need a lot of easy to eat foods of two varieties for our loved ones. Spicy dishes to pique their tastebuds and get them hungry and blander food that will sit well."