"Etain? My Etain? You must be wrong." Vivi shook her head.

Godard chuckled. "He is not the fae warrior for the ranking unit in the city for no reason. His polite and detached fighting style is haunting."

Dimitri turned to Kendrick. "Why exactly are we here, besides to get Viktor killed?"

"I need your blood," Kendrick said simply.

At once, the three warriors began to scowl. Viktor shook his head. "Vampire blood is nothing to be played with, especially mine. Being of a Founding Family our blood is potent and in the wrong hands, can be used against us."

Ellie stepped in front of the three men. Her eyes were wide and tear filled. "Oh please! We can use it to save the children. I swear to you that it will be treated with the reverence and respect it deserves."

Immediately they began rolling up their sleeves. Godard glared at Kendrick. "Why did you not just say it was for the children?"

"It was more fun my way," Kendrick admitted.

Ellie, Rheia and Vivi collected close to a pint of blood from each vampire. Vivi eyed their donations. "This should get us started." She placed the blood on the plate and set it in the refrigerator Ellie and Rheia cleared.

"Do we want to know?" Dimitri asked.

Kendrick shook his head. "Honestly? Probably not, stay dumb and happy."

Viktor gave Kendrick a dirty look. "Are you always like this or do you have something against vampires?"

Kendrick thought about it a moment. "No, I'm pretty much always like this, no offense," he smiled at them brightly. The warriors scowled at his flippant response.

Godard eyed Kendrick. "Since you are a member of the Alpha Unit, maybe you should come train with us tomorrow. That is, if your soft archivist hands can stand getting a little dirty," he teased.

Kendrick gave him an evil smile and rose to his full height. He stood nearly half a foot over them. "You will find that I am not as easy to manipulate as a certain pair of innocent witches. I look forward to seeing you first thing in the morning."

Godard's eyes widened. "Gods you are as tall as Warrick! I did not know witches could grow that big." His eyes narrowed. "It is not magic is it?"

Kendrick laughed. "No, I don't need it," he bragged.

Dimitri was chuckling as he dragged his friend toward the door. "Well it was nice knowing you Godard. Let us go fill out your will."

"I wonder whether Adriel will let me run both Iota and Kappa," Viktor teased.

Dimitri snorted. "I do not know why you think you are in the clear. I have a feeling our tall witch friend here will ensure that Etain is at morning drills. I am certain Etain will have much to discuss with you for flirting with his mate."

Viktor paled and trudged behind his friends. When the door shut Kendrick was smirking. "Did you see their faces?"

Ellie looked worried. "Will you really hurt him? All of the warriors have been so wonderful with the children," she fretted.

Kendrick leaned down and kissed her forehead. "Your kindness shines out in front of you like a beacon." He sighed. "No, I won't kill them...much. Just impress upon them what it feels like to be at a disadvantage. The twins have assured me that no one here has been cruel, but some of the friendly big brother treatment of them gets my back up."

Rheia sighed. "That's because you spoil them. Don't hold that against the other warriors."

Kendrick sniffed and stuck his nose in the air dramatically. "I can and I will." He turned to Vivi. "I may not kill them, but that may not hold true for Etain."

Vivi winked at him. "Who's to say Etain will even be able to walk in the morning?"

"Vivi!" Ellie exclaimed blushing.

Rheia bumped her shoulder. "Good point."

Vivi looked around the lab. "Speaking of mates, it's about time I go and claim mine."

She had been waiting her entire life to find her mate. Now that she had found him, she was going to tie him to her in every way possible.