Vivi stopped in the middle of the hall. "What?"


Etain waited until Hal had another drink before telling him about the recent murders and the current security concerns.

The large man stood and began to pace from one side of the room to the other before turning to look at him. "You mean to tell me there's a feral on the loose that can mask its scent due to a necklace made from the souls of poor murdered unborn babes, and both Kari and Ellie were almost killed?"

Etain grimaced and nodded. "In addition to that, we believe the virus was engineered adding a new level of sophistication to the ferals arsenal."

Hal reached for the bottle and poured himself another drink. "I knew we shouldn't have come here. This city has always been nothing but a cesspool of corruption and death." He took another drink. "No wonder the prince looks haggard. The city is about to implode." He looked at Etain. "Where are the Elders?"

Etain stared into his own glass. "They had just moved back to the city when things started to get bad. Prince Magnus practically had to order them back to the City Estate to keep them safe. Declan still hasn't convinced his brother to leave as of yet. I personally doubt he will, as Kari is with child. She carries the next generation of the Lionhart line. Rex would sooner chop off his legs than leave her here."

"Why not evacuate the women?" Hal suggested.

Etain raised a brow. "Have you met them?"

Hal chuckled. "Stubborn, intelligent, strong and feisty. Just like my Vivi."

Etain smiled. "She is amazing. You did a wonderful job raising her."

Hal puffed out his chest proudly. "She is pretty wonderful isn't she?"

Etain set his glass down. "So, do you feel like telling me how a bear shifting squire ended up with a baby girl vampire?"

The scruffy squire eased into one of the recliners. "She'll tell you when she's ready. It's her story and hers alone."

"I'm her mate," Etain pointed out.

"Exactly. And when she's ready to talk about it, she'll let you know. You'll not get a word from me." Hal shook his head.

"Can you at least tell me that nothing from her past can hurt her? That there is nothing I need to prepare for?"

Hal turned his attention to his glass. "Like I said, it's her story to tell."

Etain collapsed back in his chair. "Marvelous, just what we need. More complications."

Hal shrugged. "Life is full of em." He turned to him a sly grin on his face. "You know, she started her fertile cycle last week."

Etain inhaled just as he was taking another sip and ended up choking on the whiskey. He set the glass down quickly and pounded on his chest. When he looked up Hal was grinning broadly at him. "So, a girl or a boy? Personally, I'd like one of each to keep me busy. It's been too long since Vivi was a baby, and I miss taking care of a little one."

With a shaking hand Etain downed his drink and reached for more causing Hal to laugh. As his glass was refilled his mind wandered to that childbirth video their commander had shown them. He had been joking when he suggested a child, now that it seemed to be an actual possibility, he was scared out of his mind.

Hal clinked their glasses together. "It's the will of the gods."

Etain nodded. "I'll drink to that."


"So why does a scientist have a squire?" Kendrick inquired, raising an eyebrow.

Vivi shrugged. "They're useful. I may have starved otherwise." She looked down to read over the lab notes Ellie handed her. She turned to her friend. "Ellie, could I see the samples?" she asked, ignoring Kendrick's pointed gaze.

Ellie indicated to the counter where Rheia was finishing up the microscope set up. "She's just about done."

Vivi walked over to the long counter. Rheia moved to one side, and she stepped in front of the microscope. Vivi looked down and frowned. Using the dials she moved it left and right before adjusting the magnification. She looked up. "Are you sure this slide contained a sample?"

Ellie walked over. "Of course I'm sure! I labeled them myself." Vivi stepped aside as Ellie stood in front of the microscope and looked through the eyepiece doing exactly what Vivi had just done. She moved the slide about for a minute before turning to Kendrick, a panicked look on her face. "It's gone!"