While Vivi was relieved that her squire was no longer in any danger of being executed in the prince's dining room, the overwhelming urge to roll around on top of her mate, preferably naked was threatening her sanity.

She nearly jumped out of her skin when she felt a warm hand settle on the back of her neck. She turned to find her mate smiling down at her. His arm rested on the back of her chair, and his long fingers massaged her neck gently.

"Better?" he asked softly.

She nodded. "Thank you."

"Your comfort and well-being will always be my utmost concern. I will spend the rest of our days tending to your every need," he promised.

"Oh my," she whispered.

"I love the way the fae talk," Meryn said eyeing Aiden's wine glass.

"Though our words may seem grandiose, that does not make them any less sincere," Etain explained.

"I just like it." Meryn stared up at her mate. He sighed and pushed his glass over to her. "Not too much." She picked up the glass and took a sip. "I think I like the white better, the one from the other night that Ellie had."

"That was an import from a vampire clan in Germany," Sebastian explained. "I will write down the vineyard for you."

Meryn handed Aiden back his glass. "As much as I love my little parasite, I wish I could try all the wine Magnus has to offer. I mean, how many people get to experience the depth of the prince's wine cellar?"

Aiden raised an eyebrow at his mate. "Please don't call our child a parasite."

"A parasite is an organism that lives in other organisms and benefits from the nutrients of it's host. A baby is just a parasite," Meryn explained.

Aiden frowned. "That's not right."

Rheia chuckled. "Technically, she is correct, though it sounds terrible to say it like that."

As Ryuu and Sebastian began serving the dinner's first course Vivi cleared her throat. "Could someone get me up to speed so I can get started in the lab before laying claim to my mate?"


Vivi glanced up to see if she embarrassed her mate. He winked at her and calmly continued to sip his wine while drawing figure eights on the back of her neck. Did he have any idea the effect he was having on her? She looked back over to him and saw a self-satisfied smile. Yup, he did.

As they ate their dinner Ellie went over the timeline she established from the moment she was called, with Rheia adding bits and pieces from her perspective after her arrival a few days ago.

"So you're saying you didn't see evidence of a possible virus at all until Clara's passing?" Vivi asked.

Ellie nodded solemnly. "Her heart defect is the only reason we were able to see anything at all."

"Shifters do heal quickly," Vivi swiped through the notes on the iPad that the squire Ryuu handed her. In it, were observances from nearly everyone involved. "Whoever put the notes in a group share was a genius."

Meryn nodded. "I know."

"Maybe when you grow up you can go into computer work," Vivi said without looking up. She knew full well that the little imp was an adult, but her smirk was practically begging for teasing. Vivi had to fight a smile when she heard an indignant gasp.

"I am grown up!" Meryn insisted.

Vivi just smiled at her indulgently and ignored her protest. She turned to Ellie. "I know you must have had a long day," she glanced over at her mate and sighed. "And the gods themselves know how much I'd like to retire with my mate, but I really would like to get to the lab tonight."

Ellie chuckled. "We'll make it quick."

"I won't," Vivi murmured.

Across the table, Declan laughed. "I can't wait to see her ruffle Etain's feathers. He's always so calm and proper."

The brunette at his side smacked his arm. "Leave them be Declan."