"You can be prince tomorrow morning at nine a.m. Until then, get some rest before you keel over. You won't do anyone a damn bit of good walking around in a stupor," Marjoram pointed out.

"We're only fussing because we love you," Meryn announced out of the blue.

Magnus' face turned a deep burgundy. "Okay. You twisted my arm. You can have two things from the vault."

Meryn pumped her arms in the air. "Yes!"

Ellie looked around the room. "Are we done?" She wanted to get Rheia and Anne briefed as soon as possible.

Kendrick held up a finger and cleared his throat. "One moment, if I may." He turned to Law then pointed down to Elizabeth and whispered something under his breath. "Do you see anything?" he asked.

Law's mouth dropped. "How did I miss that?"

Elizabeth looked around. "Miss what?" she asked.

Kendrick was still staring at her when Gavriel pounded on the table. "What?" he demanded, his eyes flickering red.

Kendrick sighed. "Beth, I think you have a shadow on you."

Elizabeth frowned. "Shadows are bad right?"

Kendrick nodded. "I didn't see it before, but..." He looked at the other end of the table. "I believe being closer to your father has made it visible."

"That's good, right?" Elizabeth asked.

Kendrick and Law shook their heads. Law answered. "That's bad."

"Why?" Meryn asked, looking scared.

Kendrick's features softened. "Because that means it's tied to her blood; it darkening in the presence of her father confirms it."

"Who would dare?" Magnus asked, his voice as cold as ice.

Law sat back. Both witches were staring at Elizabeth. "It's not recent."

Kendrick nodded. "See the gradient along the edges. This has been with her for a very, very long time."

"We live in a city with witches coming and going all the time, how come you're the only one to see it?" Broderick asked, his eyes wide. He clutched his mate's hand. Caspian looked like he was on the verge of tears.

Kendrick winced. "If I said it was because I was that good, it would sound awful."

"But he is that good," Anne added.

"Get. Rid. Of. It." Gavriel bit off each word. His power began to swirl around him.

Kendrick sat back. "I don't think I can." He frowned. "I never get to say that. Helplessness over a magical concern isn't something I'm used to experiencing. Now that I have, I find I don't like this it at all."

Law rolled his eyes. "Welcome to the real world, librarian."

"Archivist," Kendrick corrected absently. "I may be able to find out more, but it will take time. But considering it's been there for decades, I don't see the rush."

Anne covered her face with her palm. "Tact, my love. We need to work on your tact."

Kendrick snorted. "I'll get right on that."

Gavriel settled down slightly. "It is not harming her?"

Ellie watched as a wide range of emotions flittered across the witch's face. It finally settled on thoughtfulness. "I don't believe so."