Meryn pointed to Beth. "She's my political Yoda, showing me how to use the Force to defeat douchebags." She sighed. "I really wish I had a lightsaber, I bet they wouldn't mess with me then."

Neil strummed his fingers over his phone. "Why not? Magic gave you a sonic screwdriver, why not a lightsaber? I bet we could make one with the right supplies."

Meryn turned to Aiden, getting on her knees. "I will give you a year of kinky sex if you help them with the lightsaber."

Aiden leaned forward quickly, his eyes bright. "Deal!" He turned to Neil. "What's a lightsaber?"

Nigel laughed. "It's a Star Wars thing."

Aiden nodded, rubbing his chin. "The only thing I remember about those movies were the small bear people."

"He means Ewoks," Meryn translated.

"Fate gave the ultimate geek someone who doesn't understand anything about the geek life," Elizabeth said smiling.

A loud buzzing had everyone turning to Gavriel. He nodded apologetically then pulled out his phone. When his eyes widened, Ellie was afraid something terrible had happened. He looked up, opened his mouth, closed it, and then handed his phone to his mate.

Elizabeth snatched it, looking as worried as Ellie felt. Moments later, she collapsed back. "Oh Meryn."

Meryn shook her head. "I didn't do it! I was dead at the time!"

"What'd she do now?" Aiden asked, looking slightly ill.

"Yeah! What'd I do now?" Meryn repeated.

"Facebook again," Gavriel answered.

"No way! I didn't post anything lesbian or crazy, I swear!" Meryn protested.

Elizabeth shook the phone back and forth. "Did you or did you not say you helped a new peep today?"

Meryn nodded. "I did."

"And you said she was gorgeous and sweet."

"I did." Everyone nodded, accepting that as a normal post.

"Did you also state, and I quote, I wouldn't mind being her bitch!?" Elizabeth raised an eyebrow.

"Meryn, I love you," Gavriel said simply.

"She posted what?" Aiden demanded.

Ellie put two and two together. "That was about me?"

Grant looked at her, understanding filling his eyes. "The transport tunnel escort," he said.

She nodded then looked at Meryn. "What did you mean?"

Meryn looked around helplessly. "I just meant that since you were so sweet and nice to people, I would be a bitch for you."

"Oh Meryn, that has to be the nicest thing anyone has offered to do for me," Ellie gushed.

"Don't be too appreciative just yet," Elizabeth warned. "She tagged you. There's now speculation that our matings are just a front to appease the older generations and that we're a three way lesbian love triangle."

Meryn's green eyes widened so much they took over her face. She bit her lower lip in consternation, thought about it some more, and then shrugged. "Bow chica wow wow."

Grant burst into laughter. Adriel looked at Grant and nodded. "Happiness looks good on you, my friend." Ellie couldn't help but agree.