Redly shrugged. "Formulas are funny things. If you change just one single component, the patent is different. As long as it goes uncontested, it can make money. That's where you come in."


"Your untimely death will allow my clients to move forward with their copy of your research without having to worry about being sued for infringement."

"But that research is years away from being completed. Why now?"

"It may be years away from being completed for human cell trials, but what you do have has already been used to make a revolutionary new skin cream that very wealthy men and women will pay handsomely for."

"My research is meant to help children."

Redly shrugged. "To the victor goes the spoils. Now be a good little girl and put the brat down and come with me. Once I get you to the surface, I can hide your body. It will take them weeks to find you, and gives us more than enough time to move forward with production."

"You're insane. What makes you think I will go along with you? Besides, if you kill me, you'll go feral. You can't spend any of your stolen money if you're a mindless, drooling monster."

"You'll do as I say, because if you don't, I will make sure that hateful old bitch of a grandmother of yours pays for your disobedience. We just need to get to the surface so I can put a bullet in your brain. You try to get away or alert anyone on the way up and I will make sure those around you will die before you do." He gave her an evil smile. "As for going feral, that happened quite some time ago." He pulled back the collar of his shirt. "You can't see it, but I am wearing a necklace that hides the fact that I've turned. Very handy." He tilted his head. "Too bad you're so fat, I would have loved to fuck you before I killed you." He sighed, looking disappointed.

"My mate will kill you," Ellie hissed.

Redly's eyes narrowed. "What mate?"

"You didn't see the very tall and muscular warrior with me? That is Grant Douglas, my mate."

Redly paled. "I thought he was a chubby chaser taking advantage of your desperation." He brought the gun up. "Change of plans. You die here, and I will take my chances getting away. If I try to leave with you, your mate will stop us." He pulled back the hammer. "Sorry Eleanor, but you and the brat will have to die here."

Ellie felt her skin pull taunt. "What did you just say?" Her words sounded guttural. Why did she sound so funny? She set her son on the floor behind her as the room seemed to contact.

"What are you doing?" Redly demanded, holding up the gun.

Ellie felt her soul burst from her body as she grew and expanded. Lifting her trunk, she trumpeted her rage. Using her long snout, she gently lifted her son out of the way as bullets flew past her.

Redly fired then ran by her toward the door. Ellie started to turn but felt confined. She knew if she backed up she would be free. Cradling Benji close to her, she simply walked backward. She felt the cool stone of the building against her skin give way as her body broke free.

Redly tripped and scrambled to get away. Ellie charged and brought her heavy flat foot down on the screaming man. Again, again, and again.

Too fat for you to fuck me? As if I'd want a piece of shit like you. My mate loves me, and he's all I need. How dare you threaten my son!

She kept stomping. No one would hurt her child. No one!


Grant's action figure had lost for the third time when he heard a loud trumpeting noise. Four beds over, Marjoram stood quickly, clutching at her chest. Her eyes met his. "Ellie!" she screamed.

Later, Grant wouldn't remember rising or running from the hospital. One moment he was with the children, the next he was standing with others in a circle around a very, very large rampaging elephant.

Declan ran up and skidded to a halt beside him. "I'm going to assume that's Ellie."

Grant nodded. He looked at Ellie's feet and saw a bright red smear. His wolf wanted to break free. Someone had threatened his mate.

"Grant, you need to get her to shift back! If she gives in to her animal for too long, it could be dangerous not only for herself, but for others. She'd never, ever forgive herself if she hurt an innocent," Marjoram pleaded.

Grant tipped his head back and howled. The elephant stopped mid-stomp and turned her giant head toward him. The crowd around him answered his call. The Wolftown pack sung with him, and as they did, his mate grew calmer and calmer.

Grant watched as the elephant that was his mate sat back on her hind legs, tucking his son close. As moments passed, the elephant's image began to waver and finally melted away completely, leaving a naked Ellie standing in the middle of the stone street.

He pulled his shirt off over his head as he ran toward his mate. He gently took Benji as Ellie covered up. When she was done, he pulled her close and held her tight. "What happened?" he whispered, his voice sounding harsh to his own ears.

Ellie looked down at the bloody mess she had created. "He said he was going to kill me and Benji, to make face cream. I had to, I had to. I couldn't let him hurt Benji," Ellie explained, her voice becoming more shrill.