Magnus looked ill. "Is there any way this was an accident?"

Kendrick looked at the prince, sadness in his eyes. He shook his head. "No, I'm afraid not."

"I bet it was that DuBois asshole!" Meryn exclaimed. "And Evreux!"

Kendrick raised an eyebrow at Meryn. "He's not even in the city, Meryn."

"A douchebag is a douchebag no matter where they are," she informed him.

Adriel turned to Magnus. "I believe she may be on to something in suggesting DuBois. He has made it known through word and deed that he does not want the shifters here."

Elizabeth turned to her uncle. "Should we go to DeLaFontaine? He is the Founding Family head Gerald reports to."

Kendrick shook his head. "No, I don't want to tip our hand, and DeLaFontaine may assist DuBois out of some sense of loyalty. Let's wait until we have a further breakdown of the virus. Once the results are in identifying the basic components, I may be able to trace it back to the creator."

"I know someone who studies diseases, and she's a paranormal. I can call her to see if she can come help," Ellie offered.

Broderick leaned forward. "Are you referring to Vivian Mercy?"

Ellie looked at him surprised. "You know of her?"

He nodded. "Of course. She is a world renowned epidemiologist and hematologist. Where I have concentrated my efforts in creating a synthetic blood, she has been focusing on making the human blood supply safer. She would be invaluable."

Ellie turned to Kari. "Did you want me to call her?"

Kari looked relieved. "Could you? I do not know her and this may be better coming from someone she knows."

"I'll call her as soon as I check in on the children," Ellie promised.

"How are they?" Magnus asked.

Rheia smiled. "They are doing surprisingly well. I've had more than one child tell me they needed to hurry up and get well so they could play with their Uncle Magnus." She winked at the prince.

He smiled sadly. "I would give anything to see them healthy and running around Level Six again."

"Soon," Kendrick said softly before his eyes hardened. "And then we hunt for a murderer." Around the table, the other unit warriors growled their agreement.

Grant wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "After seeing the pain and suffering that goes into bringing a child into this world, I believe more than ever that harming a child is the worst offense one can commit and the largest transgression against our gods."

Magnus stood, and the men straightened. "Find me the one who started this. Find them and bring them to me so that I can personally see to it they pay for their crimes." The prince's normally smiling eyes had shifted to a deep crimson.

The men of the Eta Unit stood, and as one, they placed their hands over their hearts and bowed. "We will see it done."

Aiden stood followed by Gavriel and Colton. He turned to Magnus. "And we will assist our unit brothers for as long as they need us. There is nowhere this villain can hide that we cannot find them."


Ellie walked with her mate through the vendor stalls to the hospital. Adora met them as they walked in and handed her a wiggling Benji.

Adora laughed. "It was like he knew you were coming; he's been squirming for the past couple minutes."

Ellie cuddled Benji close, and he looked up at her with soft brown eyes. He yawned wide and then snuggled down to go to sleep. Grant ran a hand over Benji's soft curls. "Looks like he just wanted his momma."

Ellie kissed the top of Benji's head gently. "He's so perfect."

Adora wiped her eyes. "I know that Emily would have loved you Ellie. You are very much like her, sweet and selfless."

"Do you have any pictures of her? I want Benji to know about them growing up," Ellie asked.