"It's okay, my wonderful bear. Women have been having babies for thousands and thousands of years. We're built for this," Meryn said, rubbing his chest.

Elizabeth held Gavriel's hand to her cheek. "We're stronger than we look."

Colton looked at his mate for encouragement. Rheia snorted. "Yes, it will hurt, and yes, I will make you suffer right along with me, but it will be worth it when we hold our son or daughter for the first time."

Ellie looked up at her mate. "Didn't they show that in whatever video you watched?" she asked, guessing at what they had done.

He shook his head. "We had to turn it off before then."

She reached up and cupped his face. "My poor baby."

He turned his face and kissed the center of her palm. "We don't have to have any children. Benji is perfect for us."

Ellie rolled her eyes. "I thought you said you wanted a dozen?"

Declan gasped and turned to his warrior brother. "What?"

Grant shook his head. "That was before I knew what went into making one."

Ellie giggled. "I don't think making them is the problem."

Grant gave her a goofy grin and then frowned. "You know what I mean."

She ran a thumb over his lips before reaching for her fork. "We'll be fine. Did the video show the months leading up to labor?"

Grant shook his head. "Why?"

Meryn laughed. "What you saw wasn't everything."

"No!" Declan exclaimed.

Meryn nodded. "Oh yeah. There's weird cravings, bloating, back pain, peeing all the time, and don't get me started on the nausea."

Aiden rested his cheek on Meryn's head. "My mate is the strongest person I know."

"Well said, Commander," Broderick commended.

After that, everyone dug into their amazing lunch, except the men who avoided the turkey. Just as lunch was winding down, Kendrick stood and murmured under his breath. Once again, Ellie felt the air pressure in the room change. He had cast another soundproof spell.

Magnus looked up, a weariness in his eyes. "You found something."

Kendrick nodded, then looked at her, then Rheia.

Ellie spoke up. "You better explain it."

Aiden looked at Kendrick. "Explain what?"

Kendrick clasped both hands behind his back. "There is magic in the virus," he announced softly.

"What?" Law demanded.

Kendrick turned to him. "You need to bring someone else in to guard Meryn; I'll need you in the lab."

Law looked shaken. "Of course. But are you sure?"

Kendrick's expression became pinched. "I wish it were not true, but it is. The twins helped me to set up the different elemental testing plates to determine the type of magic used, but once that is determined, I'll need a more experienced witch to help me drill down even further."

Law sat back. "I'm not sure how much help I'll be since I'm not well-versed in medicine, but I will do whatever I can."