Ellie took a seconds to gather her composure. She knew the people around this table cared for her mate very much; they just weren't listening at the moment. She slowly stood. "His people failed him. I'm sure there are others who recognized his potential and said nothing. I know you care for him, so please accept his wishes. Place the blame where it belongs, with his old pack. Now, if you'll excuse me." With her insides quaking, she quickly went after her mate.


Ellie caught up with Grant just outside of Prince Magnus' living quarters.

"I heard what you said. Thank you." Grant ran a hand through his hair.

"You're my mate; your happiness means everything to me," Ellie said.

Grant took a deep breath, and when he turned to her, she detected a faint smile. "Are you ready to check on our kids?" he asked.

Ellie smiled. "Yes."

They made their way back up to Level Six and the courtyard where the children waited. So far, all of them remained stable. Their breathing, though slightly labored, was even. Off to one side, the man who'd been brought in was now resting comfortably on a gurney, his mate helping the parents around them.

Marjoram came over and hugged Grant. He looked over the older woman's head. Ellie smiled at his panicked expression.

Her grandmother pulled back and looked up into his face. "Do I need to kick someone's ass for hurting my grandson?" she asked.

Grant's eyes took on a noticeable sheen. "No ma'am," he shook his head.

"Good." She turned to Ellie. "I'd like you to try upping their dosage. It's losing its effectiveness."

Ellie chewed on her lower lip. "I'

m not sure that will do any good."

Adora and Demetrio walked over, having returned from Level One. They looked at her. "You know you will have our complete support, no matter what treatment you try. Everyone here knows this is unprecedented. We don't expect you to know all the answers." Demetrio looked at Grant. "That goes for both of you. After you left, we made it clear that, as an Alpha Born, it was your choice to lead, and we said we would back your decision."

Adora snickered. "The entire room was tripping over each other affirming their support of you. You have more family here than you may realize." She lay a motherly hand on Grant's shoulder. "If you'd like to be part of the pack again, we'd be honored to have you. Even if all you wanted to do was play with the pups."

Grant looked to the floor. "I don't know; it's been a long time since I lived with a pack."

Adora patted his arm. "They may not be wolves, but if you're honest with yourself, I believe you found your own pack a long time ago. Take your time thinking about our offer."

Susan saved Grant from having to respond when she walked up holding Benji. "This may not be a good time, but he really wants you." In her arms, the toddler stretched out his hands, reaching for Grant.

He took Benji from his foster mother and easily balanced him on his forearm, cradling his back with his other hand.

Ellie turned to Grant. "I need to go to the Royal Gardens to look for possible poisonous or toxic plants. Why don't we take him along?"

Grant nodded, smiling. "Okay."

Marjoram chuckled. "I haven't been here long, but I've noticed you paint yourself in a negative light, much like my Ellie. But no man who is as good with children as you are could be bad. You are a certifiable marshmallow." Grant scowled, and Marjoram ignored him. "I'll use our walkie-talkie to let them know on Level One you're on your way." She clipped the walkie-talkie to her belt. "Also, Sulis called while you were downstairs. He was having some problems finding more gurneys." She grinned. "Poor boy discovered you can't simply pick them up at Wal-Mart. I called in a few favors with the hospitals I've worked with. I had to remind them about the clause in their charter to help when any pillar city calls for aid."

Ellie looked at her grandmother. "I didn't know about that."

Marjoram winked. "I helped to fund and establish most of the paranormal-run hospitals in the country. After your grandfather passed away, I needed the distraction, so I built hospitals in his memory to help other paranormals who are hurt and can't go to human facilities. I put the clause in the charter myself.

"I pointed Sulis in the direction of the hospitals that have that charter. We'll have our supplies by tomorrow. However, before they arrive, we need to sit down and discuss location."

"Gram, you amaze me." She looked around. "I agree, we need a new space. Give me five minutes to check in on the children." She looked at her mate. "You may want to grab a baby bag for Benji while I get them settled."

It took them fifteen minutes to get a bag packed for the baby and for Ellie to check in on the children before they left. Finally, once everything was done, with Benji tagging along, they returned to Level One.

Ellie was surprised to see Prince Magnus pacing back and forth in the hallway in front of the living quarters. Ellie frowned. Was he mad at them for walking out mid-conversation?

A smiling Sebastian stood to one side. He winked at her. Ellie felt better about approaching the prince. When Prince Magnus saw them walking up, he stopped and straightened his back.