"Still not good enough, you need a full balanced meal," Ellie protested.

"Especially since she is pregnant," Gavriel chimed in.

Ellie's head snapped back around. "You're pregnant?" she asked.

Meryn nodded. "Yup, Meryn two-point-oh is still baking."

Ellie looked but she couldn't see Meryn's waist. Meryn was so short, everything from her breastbone down was hidden by the table.

Meryn grinned wickedly. "I would get up to show you, but I'd have to stand on the chair. They don't like it when I do stuff like that at the dinner table."

Ellie smirked at the woman's sense of humor.

"Excuse me," a light male voice interrupted from her side. She looked up to find the beautiful Asian man holding up a serving spoon. "Would you care for some soup?"

Blushing, she nodded. "Yes, please." She leaned back so that he could serve her.

"That's Sei Ryuu. He's my squire. He's really good about keeping me breathing and bathed," Meryn informed her.

"It is my life's struggle." He looked down at her. "Ms. Eleanor, it is wonderful to meet you. If you need anything, please don't hesitate to ask. While my denka resides

here. I am assisting Sebastian in serving this home."

"Thank you, and please call me Ellie." She looked around the table. "Eleanor sounds so formal."

Her grandmother chuckled. "Your mother wanted you to have a regal name. But it wasn't five minutes after you were born that your father was calling you Ellie. Your mother was furious."

"Why would she mad at that?" Meryn asked.

Ellie grimaced. "Because I'm an elephant shifter. She was mad that he dubbed me 'Ellie the Elephant'."

"Your mother didn't speak to him for a week."

Meryn's eyes were as wide as saucers as she stared at Ellie. "Did you have huge ears?"

Ellie frowned. "Compared to what?"

"Your body. Like in Dumbo."

Aiden chuckled. "Baby, in Dumbo the baby elephant was ridiculed because he was abnormal."

Everyone turned to stare at Aiden. He blushed. "What? I believe watching human animated movies depicting other creatures greatly helps us understand their mentality toward animals."

Meryn grinned at the others. "He also has a clownfish named Jaws." She turned to her mate. "No. Baby elephants have huge ears when they are born, and they grow into them the way kittens grow into their ears and puppies their paws."

Aiden stared down at his mate. She was dead serious. "No baby, they don't."

Meryn blinked. "What?"

Beside her, her grandmother cleared her throat. "He's right Meryn; baby elephant's ears are proportionate to their bodies. They aren't floppy like in Dumbo."

"Great! Another childhood memory down the tubes." Meryn swirled her soup with her spoon.

"Meryn, I absolutely adore you." Magnus' smile was kind. Meryn ducked her head down, looking embarrassed.

Ellie hesitated then met the prince's eyes. "Sir, I'd like to be able to visit the gardens tomorrow. I'd like to eliminate as many outside factors as possible."

He nodded. "Absolutely. Whenever you are ready tomorrow, let either myself or Sebastian know, and we will open the door for you."